By []Carol Johnson
Weight gain during pregnancy is normal. Your body changes to make room for your ever developing baby. Weight gain is necessary but it doesn't mean you can't get rid of the baby weight after you've given birth. The key is to lose pregnancy weight in a healthy way.
Many have struggled with weight loss their whole lives. We work hard to maintain our diets, but when our energy levels drop, especially during and after pregnancy, our momentum slows down. Every day life events and now the new job of caring for you newborn baby is hard enough to deal with on it's own never mind trying to find a way to stay healthy. By following a few simple tips you'll be able to lose your baby weight in no time.
Consulting your doctor is essential when you're starting a new exercise or diet routine. Your doctor can provide great advice on what to eat and when you should start exercising. The most important thing is to start back into the swing of things slowly. Remember you just went through a lot and your body is still recovering from these major changes. Your muscles are overstretched and working out too soon can cause major injury in their not ready yet. Now with that said, it doesn't mean that because you have too take things slow and easy doesn't mean you can't get going on losing extra pregnancy pounds.
The most important aspect of any diet and exercise is to eat a well balanced diet. Now more than ever is this important (especially if your breastfeeding) to keep you and your baby healthy. You'll be able to lose more pregnancy weight easier with a balanced diet. Remember you don't need to eat for two any longer, even if you are breast feeding.
Foods such as sugars, caffeine, and sodium aren't only bad for you, but they are bad for the baby as well. A good thought process to go through would be would you ever feed this to your baby, if the answer is no, then you shouldn't eat it either. The fresher and more natural your foods are the better your body will be able to process them, and your body will be able to start shedding some of those excess pounds gained during pregnancy.
Eating habits aren't the only way to help shed the pounds, going for a walk with that new fancy stroller you bought will help as well. Don't worry if you can only go around the block once, the purpose of this isn't to make you feel bad about where your fitness level has gotten too, but instead it's to get you moving around again. You'll grow stronger with each stroll you take around the block and before you know it, a trip around the block will be a cake walk for you again. Doing housework is also great exercise, just sweeping or vaccuming the floor burns more calories than you would imagine.
The key here is you should approach your exercise routine with baby steps. You don't expect your baby to just get up and start running around do you? Why should you expect yourself to be running around and be in a pre-pregnancy shape very quickly. Your main focus right now should be caring for your baby and just enjoying your time together. This time is very precious and he/she is ever changing. You don't want to miss any of these miraculous events.
Weight gain and pregnancy go hand and hand, but it doesn't mean that you have to spend the rest of your life with those extra pounds. []Lose Pregnancy Weight in a healthy way, don't give in to crash diets they will only fail you. Get started today. []Click Here
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For more information and links go to: Lose Weight After Pregnancy
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
The Best Way to Lose Pregnancy Weight - Pregnancy Weight Loss Diet
By []Ivonna Boss
The best feeling in the world is bringing your baby home and for most moms they do not worry about weight right away. There is just too much going on. At first the excitement and boost of energy and inability to sleep, than finally when you are too exhausted and you want to sleep, the baby is asking for you. The first two months are tiring, but on the other hand, you do lose pounds fast. But after the first two months, the speed of loss of pregnancy weight slows down. So here are the best ways to lose pregnancy weight, and that is the healthy way. However, if that does not work, you can try the diet I used.
For some moms, it is easy. Some lose the extra pounds in the first few month and that is it. While the rest of us really have a hard time shedding those pounds. There are few things you can try. If you are nursing, you should just eat healthier and avoid any diets. Yes I know, it is hard, the snacking is what really makes us lose less weight. In addition, to eating healthy you can try light exercise. Just take your little one for a quick walk around the neighborhood for anywhere between 20-30 min. per day, and you should feel a lot better and shape up your body.
Do not go on any starving diets after you stop nursing. The simple fact is that you may initially lose the pounds, but you will gain even more back. With any starving diet, your metabolism slows down to burn less calories, but when you go back to eating regularly, you quickly gain the pound back and even few extras.
And if those do not work, you may want to try []shifting calories diet I managed to lose half of the weight with eating healthier, but I needed something else to help me lose the other half. I tried few starving diets and gained more weight back, so I had to find one good way to lose that extra pregnancy weight. That is why calorie shifting diet worked for me! This diet is not a real diet in a real sense. You can eat 4 times a day, but each day different food. I did not starve and I learned a lot more about good food to eat, that actually burns more calories.
Fellow moms', you can lose the pregnancy weight, I lost mine half with healthy ways and the other half with the shifting calorie diet!
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For more information and links go to: Lose Weight After Pregnancy
The best feeling in the world is bringing your baby home and for most moms they do not worry about weight right away. There is just too much going on. At first the excitement and boost of energy and inability to sleep, than finally when you are too exhausted and you want to sleep, the baby is asking for you. The first two months are tiring, but on the other hand, you do lose pounds fast. But after the first two months, the speed of loss of pregnancy weight slows down. So here are the best ways to lose pregnancy weight, and that is the healthy way. However, if that does not work, you can try the diet I used.
For some moms, it is easy. Some lose the extra pounds in the first few month and that is it. While the rest of us really have a hard time shedding those pounds. There are few things you can try. If you are nursing, you should just eat healthier and avoid any diets. Yes I know, it is hard, the snacking is what really makes us lose less weight. In addition, to eating healthy you can try light exercise. Just take your little one for a quick walk around the neighborhood for anywhere between 20-30 min. per day, and you should feel a lot better and shape up your body.
Do not go on any starving diets after you stop nursing. The simple fact is that you may initially lose the pounds, but you will gain even more back. With any starving diet, your metabolism slows down to burn less calories, but when you go back to eating regularly, you quickly gain the pound back and even few extras.
And if those do not work, you may want to try []shifting calories diet I managed to lose half of the weight with eating healthier, but I needed something else to help me lose the other half. I tried few starving diets and gained more weight back, so I had to find one good way to lose that extra pregnancy weight. That is why calorie shifting diet worked for me! This diet is not a real diet in a real sense. You can eat 4 times a day, but each day different food. I did not starve and I learned a lot more about good food to eat, that actually burns more calories.
Fellow moms', you can lose the pregnancy weight, I lost mine half with healthy ways and the other half with the shifting calorie diet!
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For more information and links go to: Lose Weight After Pregnancy
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Discover How Lose Pregnancy Weight
By []Gerry Restrivera
For most pregnant women, gaining weight during pregnancy is normal. Women tend to eat more to nourish her unborn baby. While it is fascinating to be a mother, frustration comes with it when you have a hard time to lose pregnancy weight after delivery.
Women often feel unattractive during and after pregnancy, which shouldn’t be the case. Pregnancy should not be a struggle; you can be at your best during and after pregnancy. You can feel good during your pregnancy, have a beautiful healthy baby and still get back into your pre-pregnancy shape afterwards. There are things you can do to lose pregnancy weight and get back to your pre-pregnancy shape. Remember that you cannot be the best mom if you aren’t on your best. Here are some tips to help you lose pregnancy weight:
First thing is to have the motivation and the decision to exert effort to lose pregnancy weight. Many women began their life-long struggle with weight after pregnancy. During pregnancy, you may gain 40-60 pounds; you may lose half of it after giving birth and the rest is what you'll have to work for. If you don’t decide to exert effort to lose pregnancy weight you will never lose the other half of the gained weight during pregnancy and worst you will gain more and more weight after each pregnancy until you hardly recognize yourself in the mirror.
Eat properly. You don’t have to go through a crash diet to lose pregnancy weight. This is dangerous not only to your health but to your baby as well especially if you are breastfeeding. Eat a lot of nutritious food while trying to lose pregnancy weight. A balanced diet with vegetables and fruits daily is a good start. Eat foods high in fiber to help you with elimination and keep you from eating too much because fibers are filling.
Engage in an exercise program during and after pregnancy. Consult your doctor, there are safe exercises that you can do while pregnant and there are also exercises for you after giving birth to lose pregnancy weight. Your doctor can advise you when it is safe to exercise after giving birth. Based on your medical history, he can help you decide which exercise programs are best for you and how fast you can shift from one level of exercise to the next. You can also engage in other activities like swimming, yoga and walking.
You don’t have to go through pregnancy feeling unattractive and worst end up overweight after delivery. You can make it easier for you to lose pregnancy weight if you know the right techniques that will give you immediate results. Did you know that you can get back to your pre-pregnancy shape in just 37 days after your healthy baby is born? Find out how to be a slim mom visit Slim Mom Secrets at []All About Pregnancy
Gerry Restrivera writes informative articles on various subjects including Discover How Lose Pregnancy Weight. You are allowed to publish this article in its entirety provided that author’s name, bio and website links must remain intact and included with every reproduction.
Article Source:
For more information and links go to: Lose Weight After Pregnancy
For most pregnant women, gaining weight during pregnancy is normal. Women tend to eat more to nourish her unborn baby. While it is fascinating to be a mother, frustration comes with it when you have a hard time to lose pregnancy weight after delivery.
Women often feel unattractive during and after pregnancy, which shouldn’t be the case. Pregnancy should not be a struggle; you can be at your best during and after pregnancy. You can feel good during your pregnancy, have a beautiful healthy baby and still get back into your pre-pregnancy shape afterwards. There are things you can do to lose pregnancy weight and get back to your pre-pregnancy shape. Remember that you cannot be the best mom if you aren’t on your best. Here are some tips to help you lose pregnancy weight:
First thing is to have the motivation and the decision to exert effort to lose pregnancy weight. Many women began their life-long struggle with weight after pregnancy. During pregnancy, you may gain 40-60 pounds; you may lose half of it after giving birth and the rest is what you'll have to work for. If you don’t decide to exert effort to lose pregnancy weight you will never lose the other half of the gained weight during pregnancy and worst you will gain more and more weight after each pregnancy until you hardly recognize yourself in the mirror.
Eat properly. You don’t have to go through a crash diet to lose pregnancy weight. This is dangerous not only to your health but to your baby as well especially if you are breastfeeding. Eat a lot of nutritious food while trying to lose pregnancy weight. A balanced diet with vegetables and fruits daily is a good start. Eat foods high in fiber to help you with elimination and keep you from eating too much because fibers are filling.
Engage in an exercise program during and after pregnancy. Consult your doctor, there are safe exercises that you can do while pregnant and there are also exercises for you after giving birth to lose pregnancy weight. Your doctor can advise you when it is safe to exercise after giving birth. Based on your medical history, he can help you decide which exercise programs are best for you and how fast you can shift from one level of exercise to the next. You can also engage in other activities like swimming, yoga and walking.
You don’t have to go through pregnancy feeling unattractive and worst end up overweight after delivery. You can make it easier for you to lose pregnancy weight if you know the right techniques that will give you immediate results. Did you know that you can get back to your pre-pregnancy shape in just 37 days after your healthy baby is born? Find out how to be a slim mom visit Slim Mom Secrets at []All About Pregnancy
Gerry Restrivera writes informative articles on various subjects including Discover How Lose Pregnancy Weight. You are allowed to publish this article in its entirety provided that author’s name, bio and website links must remain intact and included with every reproduction.
Article Source:
For more information and links go to: Lose Weight After Pregnancy
Monday, July 27, 2009
Lose Weight For Free Fast And The Foods That Help You Lose Weight
By []Matt Ide
You can lose weight for free fast but it all depends on the foods that you eat to help you lose weight. This article is going to show you a few tips on how to lose weight for free fast and be able to keep it off.
First let's take a look at how you can lose weight fast. You can do it by starving yourself and exercising, although no one would recommend this and in reality, it just doesn't work very well. Aside from that it's not very conducive to keeping the little weight you did lose, off.
So trash that idea and lets go about losing weight for free fast which means that you will have to exercise. Sorry, it just has to be done. It doesn't have to hurt though. Make a game of what you are doing. If you have kids incorporate your exercise with what they are doing. You will be losing weight by moving around and you will also be able to spend time with those special little people of yours. If you don't have kids, then do something that is fun for you. Just because everyone is walking doesn't mean you have too. Go roller blading or hiking in the woods. The important thing here is that it is something you like to do that will get you up and moving at least three times a week.
In order to lose weight for free fast you will have to exercise at least three times a week for a minimum of twenty minutes. This is the best possible weight loss program for slightly overweight people.
Okay, now that we know that we need to exercise and are thinking about some fun activity to do lets turn to the foods that help you lose weight.
The foods that will help you lose weight are one's that are low in sugars and in carbohydrates. Did you wince when I said that? Sorry. For many, many people that fastest way to lose some serious weight fast, is to cut out the carbs. Now having said that, you should still try to keep at least twenty grams of carbs in your diet each day. For some that's two slices of low carb bread for a sandwich. For others, that a beer or two at night.
The foods that help you lose weight are actually the ones that will keep you feeling full longer throughout the day. You should be able to start seeing results in about two to three days by eating these foods that help you lose weight.
So, to lose weight for free fast and eat the foods that help you lose weight, all you have to do is exercise at least three times a week, preferably more, and eat low to no carb foods and you will see a difference in your waistline in no time.
Looking for a little more advice? Want to be the next super model or Vin Diesel? Maybe you would just like to lose a little more weight before the holidays get here. Check out this book with great ideas customized to the type of person you are. You will also get a free ebook on foods that help you lose weight, a free ebook on how to measure body fat, a free ebook on foods that turn to fat, a free newsletter updating you on the latest trends in losing weight and how it will help you, as well as a free ebook on how to make better decisions with the foods that you pick out. Over $500 dollars in free information. Go to
Article Source:
You can lose weight for free fast but it all depends on the foods that you eat to help you lose weight. This article is going to show you a few tips on how to lose weight for free fast and be able to keep it off.
First let's take a look at how you can lose weight fast. You can do it by starving yourself and exercising, although no one would recommend this and in reality, it just doesn't work very well. Aside from that it's not very conducive to keeping the little weight you did lose, off.
So trash that idea and lets go about losing weight for free fast which means that you will have to exercise. Sorry, it just has to be done. It doesn't have to hurt though. Make a game of what you are doing. If you have kids incorporate your exercise with what they are doing. You will be losing weight by moving around and you will also be able to spend time with those special little people of yours. If you don't have kids, then do something that is fun for you. Just because everyone is walking doesn't mean you have too. Go roller blading or hiking in the woods. The important thing here is that it is something you like to do that will get you up and moving at least three times a week.
In order to lose weight for free fast you will have to exercise at least three times a week for a minimum of twenty minutes. This is the best possible weight loss program for slightly overweight people.
Okay, now that we know that we need to exercise and are thinking about some fun activity to do lets turn to the foods that help you lose weight.
The foods that will help you lose weight are one's that are low in sugars and in carbohydrates. Did you wince when I said that? Sorry. For many, many people that fastest way to lose some serious weight fast, is to cut out the carbs. Now having said that, you should still try to keep at least twenty grams of carbs in your diet each day. For some that's two slices of low carb bread for a sandwich. For others, that a beer or two at night.
The foods that help you lose weight are actually the ones that will keep you feeling full longer throughout the day. You should be able to start seeing results in about two to three days by eating these foods that help you lose weight.
So, to lose weight for free fast and eat the foods that help you lose weight, all you have to do is exercise at least three times a week, preferably more, and eat low to no carb foods and you will see a difference in your waistline in no time.
Looking for a little more advice? Want to be the next super model or Vin Diesel? Maybe you would just like to lose a little more weight before the holidays get here. Check out this book with great ideas customized to the type of person you are. You will also get a free ebook on foods that help you lose weight, a free ebook on how to measure body fat, a free ebook on foods that turn to fat, a free newsletter updating you on the latest trends in losing weight and how it will help you, as well as a free ebook on how to make better decisions with the foods that you pick out. Over $500 dollars in free information. Go to
Article Source:
Sunday, July 26, 2009
9 Essential Tips To Lose Weight Fast
By []Richard Gwent
Losing weight quickly is not easy and most of the time the solution is only temporary. You no doubt need to find ways to lose weight fast. If you don’t control your diet and other habits, chances are that you will put on weight in a matter of days. In this article we are going to discuss some ways to lose weight fast and how to maintain it at that level.
1. Method one provides us with ways to lose weight fast. You must eat more vegetables and fruits. Don’t eat foods that contain too much fat, especially sweets and junk food. If you don’t like to exercise, try going for a walk about an hour after eating a meal. Make it a habit to do an activity each day that requires extreme energy input. Unless you eat healthily, no matter what other ways to lose weight fast you try, they will fail.
2. Tip two provides us with yet more ways to lose weight fast! Eat diet foods, but don’t forget the effectiveness of a balanced diet. Drinking green tea after every meal is a natural way of losing weight without much effort. If you don’t like the taste of it you can also use green tea nutritional supplements as ways to lose weight fast.
3. Tip three is yet another great couple of ways to lose weight fast. Don’t drink soda and other carbonated soft drinks.
4. If a friend or family member is also trying to find ways to lose weight fast, make your time table together. It can be easier for two people to find ways to lose weight fast together.
5. Muscle building is also a way of burning fat. Muscles are smaller and therefore do not show up like fat does. You can keep a pair of dumb-bells in your room and try to lift them for a few minutes each day to develop biceps. This activity will also increase the metabolism rate and release energy instantly. Dumbbells are one of the great ways to lose weight fast.
6. Avoid fried meat and grilled food. Instead, include vegetables soup and salads in your diet. Again changing your diet is one of the best ways to lose weight fast.
7. Don’t eat too much at once. Make a time table of eating 5 or 6 meals a day. While eating, make a mental note of how much you have eaten instead of talking to someone or watching TV. Change your diet and you will find new ways to lose weight fast!
8. Check your weight regularly and monitor your progress. If you have set a goal to lose a certain amount of weight in a week, then see that you are able to achieve it. You need to be determined to lose weight, if you see that you have lost weight it will motivate you and provide yet another ways to lose weight fast.
9. If you are addicted to chocolates or cookies, don’t stop eating them at once. Instead, try to cut down on their intake gradually. Diet is responsible for your weight, cut it out gradually as another group of ways to lose weight fast.
Hopefully the tips above will help you find ways to lose weight fast. Once you’ve found one of the many ways to lose weight fast make sure you stick with it and maintain your weight.
Everybody is different, and so what works as ways to lose weight fast for one person may not ways to lose weight fast for another. If you experience any discomfort when using any of the ways to lose weight fast then see your doctor.
Want to know how to lose 14 pounds in a week? Watch the fat literally fall off your body! Get your free fat loss report, "A Shocking Expose of the 12 Biggest Scams, Cover-ups, Lies, Myths and Deceptions in the
Diet, Supplement and Weight Loss Industries!" at []Burn The Fat.
Article Source:
Losing weight quickly is not easy and most of the time the solution is only temporary. You no doubt need to find ways to lose weight fast. If you don’t control your diet and other habits, chances are that you will put on weight in a matter of days. In this article we are going to discuss some ways to lose weight fast and how to maintain it at that level.
1. Method one provides us with ways to lose weight fast. You must eat more vegetables and fruits. Don’t eat foods that contain too much fat, especially sweets and junk food. If you don’t like to exercise, try going for a walk about an hour after eating a meal. Make it a habit to do an activity each day that requires extreme energy input. Unless you eat healthily, no matter what other ways to lose weight fast you try, they will fail.
2. Tip two provides us with yet more ways to lose weight fast! Eat diet foods, but don’t forget the effectiveness of a balanced diet. Drinking green tea after every meal is a natural way of losing weight without much effort. If you don’t like the taste of it you can also use green tea nutritional supplements as ways to lose weight fast.
3. Tip three is yet another great couple of ways to lose weight fast. Don’t drink soda and other carbonated soft drinks.
4. If a friend or family member is also trying to find ways to lose weight fast, make your time table together. It can be easier for two people to find ways to lose weight fast together.
5. Muscle building is also a way of burning fat. Muscles are smaller and therefore do not show up like fat does. You can keep a pair of dumb-bells in your room and try to lift them for a few minutes each day to develop biceps. This activity will also increase the metabolism rate and release energy instantly. Dumbbells are one of the great ways to lose weight fast.
6. Avoid fried meat and grilled food. Instead, include vegetables soup and salads in your diet. Again changing your diet is one of the best ways to lose weight fast.
7. Don’t eat too much at once. Make a time table of eating 5 or 6 meals a day. While eating, make a mental note of how much you have eaten instead of talking to someone or watching TV. Change your diet and you will find new ways to lose weight fast!
8. Check your weight regularly and monitor your progress. If you have set a goal to lose a certain amount of weight in a week, then see that you are able to achieve it. You need to be determined to lose weight, if you see that you have lost weight it will motivate you and provide yet another ways to lose weight fast.
9. If you are addicted to chocolates or cookies, don’t stop eating them at once. Instead, try to cut down on their intake gradually. Diet is responsible for your weight, cut it out gradually as another group of ways to lose weight fast.
Hopefully the tips above will help you find ways to lose weight fast. Once you’ve found one of the many ways to lose weight fast make sure you stick with it and maintain your weight.
Everybody is different, and so what works as ways to lose weight fast for one person may not ways to lose weight fast for another. If you experience any discomfort when using any of the ways to lose weight fast then see your doctor.
Want to know how to lose 14 pounds in a week? Watch the fat literally fall off your body! Get your free fat loss report, "A Shocking Expose of the 12 Biggest Scams, Cover-ups, Lies, Myths and Deceptions in the
Diet, Supplement and Weight Loss Industries!" at []Burn The Fat.
Article Source:
Saturday, July 25, 2009
How To Lose Weight With Low Carb Diets
By []Tamara Baruhovich
The best way to approach weight loss is by accepting that it may be a long process that requires commitment, determination and patience. Also, since there is no “one-size-fits-all” diet plan, choosing the right diet for you as well as adopting a new lifestyle are both extremely important elements to succeed at permanent weight loss.
Many people lose weight with Low Carb diets. However, some do not achieve their desired goal because they forgot an essential fact: “Not all Low Carb diets were created equal.” Therefore, once you’ve decided to lose those extra pounds with a Low Carb diet plan, your very next step should be to learn about the different options available so you can choose the right Low Carb diet for you, according to your health, weight goal, lifestyle, and even according to your budget.
To lose weight with Low Carb diets it’s important to choose one that matches your particular situation. Then, it’ll be essential to adopt the suggested lifestyle changes of your chosen diet so you can lose the desired amount of pounds and increase your chances to keep the weight loss permanently.
There is an abundance of products and magic pills that promise quick and easy results, but most of them are not effective to lose weight safely and/or permanently. It is best to stick to one diet that has proven to be helpful to many, and Low Carb diets meet that criterion.
The following measures are some of the lifestyle changes that will definitely help you to lose weight with Low Carb diets and help you keep your ideal weight indefinitely.
1. Commitment – It is very important to be motivated to lose weight for the right reasons, not just for a certain event, beach vacation, or wedding party. Until you reach the point of true desire to get rid of those extra pounds for good, you won’t get the necessary commitment to follow through with your diet plan, no matter how much you’ve been told you need to lose weight by your doctor, your significant other or your close friend.
2. Get help – Once you’ve made a decision to commit yourself to lose weight, you should seek the help of a health professional, nutritionist or health practitioner for guidance and support. Also, it’s recommended to get a buddy to lose weight with, as you can help and motivate each other when either of you might feel discouraged.
3. Think positive – Do not constantly think about all those pounds you need to lose. It may become overwhelming, especially if you need to lose a large amount of pounds. Think instead of the benefits you’ll gain. Start each day visualizing the “new you”. Praise yourself and recognize your efforts even when your weight loss is going slower than anticipated. Instead of longing for a doughnut, learn to enjoy a bagel!
4. Learn to prioritize – Once you’ve made the decision to lose weight, it should become one of your main daily priorities. If you’re going through a difficult situation in your life, have a stressful deadline at work or have other worries in your mind at this time, you may want to postpone your weight loss plan until you can fully commit to it.
5. Set realistic goals – Do not set your mind to lose a certain amount of pounds per week/month. That is not only unrealistic but unhealthy. Be conscious of the fact that it may take you several months or even over a year to reach your ideal weight depending on the amount of pounds you need to lose. Healthy weight loss should be slow and constant.
6. Define the habits you want to change – If you tend to overeat when you are stressed, upset, anxious, sad, tired, pressed or depressed; the first step is to become aware of your routines so you can learn to modify them. Before eating something, ask yourself if you’re really hungry. If you are not, make an effort to notice what’s making you eat. Come up with something to distract yourself. This may take some practice but in a few weeks you’d have modified a behavior which benefits will last a lifetime.
7. Do not stay hungry – Most people need between 1200 and 1500 calories per day, according to age, gender, height, bone mass and physical activity. If you drastically reduce the calories you ingest, your body will go into starvation mode. This will favor the loss of liquids and muscle over permanent fat loss.
8. Do engage in physical activity – A well chosen Low Carb diet will definitely help you lose weight, but if you add a 30 minute workout three to four times per week, you’ll double the speed at which you’ll lose weight. Physical activity and especially aerobic exercise will speed the fat loss and enhance muscle development. These changes will increase your metabolism, which in turn will help you burn calories faster. A nice and helpful cycle to create!
It is not enough to want to lose weight with a Low Carb Diet. Remember that choosing the right Low Carb diet for you will increase your chances at successful weight loss as well as keeping those pounds off permanently. Also, the above mentioned lifestyle changes should help you live a healthier life. Remember to be kind to yourself. Be constant and patient. You are enduring a difficult task, and you deserve recognition and praise.
Atkins? South Beach? The Zone? Confused yet?
Choose the right Low Carb diet for you and increase your chances at successful weight loss! Or send your questions at: []
Article Source:
The best way to approach weight loss is by accepting that it may be a long process that requires commitment, determination and patience. Also, since there is no “one-size-fits-all” diet plan, choosing the right diet for you as well as adopting a new lifestyle are both extremely important elements to succeed at permanent weight loss.
Many people lose weight with Low Carb diets. However, some do not achieve their desired goal because they forgot an essential fact: “Not all Low Carb diets were created equal.” Therefore, once you’ve decided to lose those extra pounds with a Low Carb diet plan, your very next step should be to learn about the different options available so you can choose the right Low Carb diet for you, according to your health, weight goal, lifestyle, and even according to your budget.
To lose weight with Low Carb diets it’s important to choose one that matches your particular situation. Then, it’ll be essential to adopt the suggested lifestyle changes of your chosen diet so you can lose the desired amount of pounds and increase your chances to keep the weight loss permanently.
There is an abundance of products and magic pills that promise quick and easy results, but most of them are not effective to lose weight safely and/or permanently. It is best to stick to one diet that has proven to be helpful to many, and Low Carb diets meet that criterion.
The following measures are some of the lifestyle changes that will definitely help you to lose weight with Low Carb diets and help you keep your ideal weight indefinitely.
1. Commitment – It is very important to be motivated to lose weight for the right reasons, not just for a certain event, beach vacation, or wedding party. Until you reach the point of true desire to get rid of those extra pounds for good, you won’t get the necessary commitment to follow through with your diet plan, no matter how much you’ve been told you need to lose weight by your doctor, your significant other or your close friend.
2. Get help – Once you’ve made a decision to commit yourself to lose weight, you should seek the help of a health professional, nutritionist or health practitioner for guidance and support. Also, it’s recommended to get a buddy to lose weight with, as you can help and motivate each other when either of you might feel discouraged.
3. Think positive – Do not constantly think about all those pounds you need to lose. It may become overwhelming, especially if you need to lose a large amount of pounds. Think instead of the benefits you’ll gain. Start each day visualizing the “new you”. Praise yourself and recognize your efforts even when your weight loss is going slower than anticipated. Instead of longing for a doughnut, learn to enjoy a bagel!
4. Learn to prioritize – Once you’ve made the decision to lose weight, it should become one of your main daily priorities. If you’re going through a difficult situation in your life, have a stressful deadline at work or have other worries in your mind at this time, you may want to postpone your weight loss plan until you can fully commit to it.
5. Set realistic goals – Do not set your mind to lose a certain amount of pounds per week/month. That is not only unrealistic but unhealthy. Be conscious of the fact that it may take you several months or even over a year to reach your ideal weight depending on the amount of pounds you need to lose. Healthy weight loss should be slow and constant.
6. Define the habits you want to change – If you tend to overeat when you are stressed, upset, anxious, sad, tired, pressed or depressed; the first step is to become aware of your routines so you can learn to modify them. Before eating something, ask yourself if you’re really hungry. If you are not, make an effort to notice what’s making you eat. Come up with something to distract yourself. This may take some practice but in a few weeks you’d have modified a behavior which benefits will last a lifetime.
7. Do not stay hungry – Most people need between 1200 and 1500 calories per day, according to age, gender, height, bone mass and physical activity. If you drastically reduce the calories you ingest, your body will go into starvation mode. This will favor the loss of liquids and muscle over permanent fat loss.
8. Do engage in physical activity – A well chosen Low Carb diet will definitely help you lose weight, but if you add a 30 minute workout three to four times per week, you’ll double the speed at which you’ll lose weight. Physical activity and especially aerobic exercise will speed the fat loss and enhance muscle development. These changes will increase your metabolism, which in turn will help you burn calories faster. A nice and helpful cycle to create!
It is not enough to want to lose weight with a Low Carb Diet. Remember that choosing the right Low Carb diet for you will increase your chances at successful weight loss as well as keeping those pounds off permanently. Also, the above mentioned lifestyle changes should help you live a healthier life. Remember to be kind to yourself. Be constant and patient. You are enduring a difficult task, and you deserve recognition and praise.
Atkins? South Beach? The Zone? Confused yet?
Choose the right Low Carb diet for you and increase your chances at successful weight loss! Or send your questions at: []
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Friday, July 24, 2009
Lose Weight With Herbal Products
By []Sarah Lin
The struggle to lose weight can happen if you go about losing weight the right way. This includes using herbal supplement such as Herbal with a combination of diet and exercise. Losing weight isn't easy but you can do it if you put the use of herbal products and other general practices in place.
You can lose weight if you go about it the right way
Many men and women have difficulties with losing weight - "what is the best practice to lose weight?" remains a vital question for them. It can be very frustrating to unsuccessfully lose those five, ten, twenty, thirty, or more unwanted pounds. There are no secret easy ways to lose weight. Don't be fooled by those ads that claim you will shed unwanted weight quickly without any changes to your routine. All you are going to lose with those gimmicks is your hard earned money.
Herbal products are the best choice to help you with your weight loss issues. Since every person has a different body and a different metabolism, it only makes sense that there is no weight loss program that will work for everyone. You will have to customize your weight loss program to fit the needs of your body. Using herbal products, eating nutrition, adding exercise to your daily routine, and counting your calories will result in the weight loss you are wanting.
The best herbal weight loss products include green tea. This is a great antioxidant that will cleanse your body. Replace those sugary sodas and caffeine filled coffees with green tea. You will lose weight fast with this change to your diet. Green tea can be consumed in liquid form or a pill if you prefer. If you choose the pill form make sure to replace your regular drinks with plenty of water. It is important to get the proper vitamins and minerals during any weight loss program. You might consider taking a multivitamin or other herbal supplement to make sure your body has all it needs.
To effectively lose body fat you will need to make significant changes to your diets. The number of calories you need each day to lose weight depends on your physical activity and the amount of weight you want to lose. Basically, you need to burn more calories than you consume each day in order to lose weight. The amount of calories in fast food is something you need to be aware of. This is one area you will need to eliminate in your effort to lose the weight.
Herbal products such as Herbalife offer great weight loss products to implement into your weight loss program. The right products for you depend on your individual weight loss goals and your body chemistry. The Herbalife ShapeWorks?products can help you personalize your protein, control your hunger, and protect your cells with a proper balance of nutrition-all without counting calories.
Exercise to lose weight is one of the best methods that are adopted worldwide. Start slow by adding a few minutes of walking each day and gradually increase the amount of time. For the best weight loss results, add a cardio vascular and aerobic work out to your routine. Just twenty minutes three-days-a-week will give you great results. It can be hard to stick to an exercise routine so make it fun. Having a friend to walk with and work out with is a great way to motivate each other and spend more time together.
Losing weight fast isn't easy, but you can achieve your goal if you go about it the right way. Using herbal products, making changes to your diets including keeping track of the calories you consume daily, and making exercise part of your daily routine will get you headed in the right direction. Herbal supplements are a great way to increase your energy level, rev up your metabolism, and cleanse your body of toxins. The best part is they don't have any negative side effects.
Being an Herbalife Independent Distributor since 2002, Sarah Lin has helped hundreds of satisfied customers who were seeking weight loss advices. Check out her website for a wide range of Herbalife weight loss products and health supplements at great prices. Not only does she sell the weight loss programs, she also provides customized consultation to help you choose the products suit you the best.
Article Source:
The struggle to lose weight can happen if you go about losing weight the right way. This includes using herbal supplement such as Herbal with a combination of diet and exercise. Losing weight isn't easy but you can do it if you put the use of herbal products and other general practices in place.
You can lose weight if you go about it the right way
Many men and women have difficulties with losing weight - "what is the best practice to lose weight?" remains a vital question for them. It can be very frustrating to unsuccessfully lose those five, ten, twenty, thirty, or more unwanted pounds. There are no secret easy ways to lose weight. Don't be fooled by those ads that claim you will shed unwanted weight quickly without any changes to your routine. All you are going to lose with those gimmicks is your hard earned money.
Herbal products are the best choice to help you with your weight loss issues. Since every person has a different body and a different metabolism, it only makes sense that there is no weight loss program that will work for everyone. You will have to customize your weight loss program to fit the needs of your body. Using herbal products, eating nutrition, adding exercise to your daily routine, and counting your calories will result in the weight loss you are wanting.
The best herbal weight loss products include green tea. This is a great antioxidant that will cleanse your body. Replace those sugary sodas and caffeine filled coffees with green tea. You will lose weight fast with this change to your diet. Green tea can be consumed in liquid form or a pill if you prefer. If you choose the pill form make sure to replace your regular drinks with plenty of water. It is important to get the proper vitamins and minerals during any weight loss program. You might consider taking a multivitamin or other herbal supplement to make sure your body has all it needs.
To effectively lose body fat you will need to make significant changes to your diets. The number of calories you need each day to lose weight depends on your physical activity and the amount of weight you want to lose. Basically, you need to burn more calories than you consume each day in order to lose weight. The amount of calories in fast food is something you need to be aware of. This is one area you will need to eliminate in your effort to lose the weight.
Herbal products such as Herbalife offer great weight loss products to implement into your weight loss program. The right products for you depend on your individual weight loss goals and your body chemistry. The Herbalife ShapeWorks?products can help you personalize your protein, control your hunger, and protect your cells with a proper balance of nutrition-all without counting calories.
Exercise to lose weight is one of the best methods that are adopted worldwide. Start slow by adding a few minutes of walking each day and gradually increase the amount of time. For the best weight loss results, add a cardio vascular and aerobic work out to your routine. Just twenty minutes three-days-a-week will give you great results. It can be hard to stick to an exercise routine so make it fun. Having a friend to walk with and work out with is a great way to motivate each other and spend more time together.
Losing weight fast isn't easy, but you can achieve your goal if you go about it the right way. Using herbal products, making changes to your diets including keeping track of the calories you consume daily, and making exercise part of your daily routine will get you headed in the right direction. Herbal supplements are a great way to increase your energy level, rev up your metabolism, and cleanse your body of toxins. The best part is they don't have any negative side effects.
Being an Herbalife Independent Distributor since 2002, Sarah Lin has helped hundreds of satisfied customers who were seeking weight loss advices. Check out her website for a wide range of Herbalife weight loss products and health supplements at great prices. Not only does she sell the weight loss programs, she also provides customized consultation to help you choose the products suit you the best.
Article Source:
Thursday, July 23, 2009
How to Lose Weight?
By []Verena Veneeva
For those of us who lead busy lives losing weight can seem difficult to achieve. Health advisors suggest that a sensible way to lose weight is to increase the amount of daily exercise. In their publication, The Step Diet, Hill et al. suggest that over 2000 steps a day will significantly contribute to a reduction in weight. (Hill et al., 2004: 2). This is a useful method as it is doesn’t cost anything and can be incorporated into your daily routine. Diet pills and regimes are not advisable as they can precipitate dramatic weight loss, which can cause you more problems - such as skin problems and hair loss. In the worst case scenario they can cause you to gain weight - as any sudden change in the metabolic rate can mean that when you start eating normally again you pile back on the pounds.
If exercise alone is difficult then a balanced regime of exercise and reduced calorie intake - bearing in mind the maxim ‘little and often’ - is a good way to approach losing weight. It is generally believed that eating three smaller regular meals, with morning and afternoon snacks in between, is the best way to lose weight. Regular eating maintains a balanced sugar level in the blood, preventing hunger and helps us to avoid overeating. This has the effect of speeding up the metabolic rate so your body breaks food down more quickly to turn it into energy. “Ideally, eat something small (even a piece of fruit) every 3 hours (women) or every 5 hours (men)” (Collins, 2005).
Another timeless way to lose weight - and one that will save you money - is to increase your daily intake of water. This is important as dehydration can mean that you don’t reap the full benefits of your efforts to lose weight. Enough water is considered to be at least two litres a day (Biggs, 2006). If you don‘t drink enough then your metabolism will shut down first causing your weight loss to slow right down; your digestion will suffer; and you might experience ‘fake hunger’ symptoms (Biggs 2006) .
It is important to remember that some people lose weight more easily than others because of their body’s ability to burn fat. One of the most effective ways to burn fat is through cardio-vascular exercise which increases the heart rate sufficiently - for example, aerobics or running. This form of exercise is more effective than, say for example, weight lifting or light walking, which are good muscle-toning activities helping to reduce the appearance of fat. However, if you simply don’t have time to go to an aerobics class or the space in your own home, then other forms of exercise are still effective. Jon Shepherd, from Ultra-FIT magazine, explains:
“You won't burn so many calories weight training, but the potential effect it will have on your body composition and metabolic rate are significant. Muscle is the most metabolically active part of your body, burning up to three times as many calories as any other tissue type. Weights (and other forms of resistance training, like circuits) promote the development of lean muscle, boosting your fat burning potential” Source: (
Fitness activities and calorie burning
Activity calories/hour
Aerobics high intensity 520
Rowing – slow 400
Weight training 270-450
Swimming for fitness 630
Treadmill running (3.8min/km) 1000
Treadmill running (5.6 min/km) 750
Source: (
The above figures are based on a 65kg individual. If you weighed more then additional calories will be expended, fewer if you weigh less.
The table illustrates the differences in calorie reduction between various activities. It is important to find the right kind of exercise to suit you. For most people, walking is the easiest and most effective form of exercise. Ann Bolger, M.D., a spokeswoman for the American Heart Association (AHA) says, ‘exercising is like taking the pennies from under the couch cushions and putting them into your piggybank,’ in that every little bit counts.’ (Meadows 2003: 18). There are many small ways of increasing the amount of walking in your day. For example, if you have a dog, or someone in your family or a friend has a dog, then try to find the time each day to take it for a brisk half-hour walk. If you’re lucky to live a mile or so away from work then get up a bit earlier and walk instead of catching the bus. Even parking a bit further away when you go shopping can make a difference.
So this is all about what to do outside the home. But what about when you come back from a day at work and you want to relax? You can contribute to your efforts to lose weight by the way you cook: using unsaturated vegetable oils, and oils such as corn, olive, or soyabean makes a significant difference to your fat intake. Snacks too can be swapped for healthier, lower fat options such as sesame snaps; Ryvita, or a piece of fruit.
(Meadows 2003: 18). Many of us like to relax with a glass of wine in front of the TV - but there are other more weight-loss-effective ways of relaxation. Try substituting your daily glass of wine (110 calories) or half bottle (250 calories) for a session of meditative yoga. In this way you can reduce calorie intake, and exercise and relax all at the same time, and it doesn’t cost you a penny. “Yoga also offers psychological benefits. As Baxter Bell, a graduate of Piedmont Yoga Studio's Advanced Studies Program, says:
Weight gain often brings with it a great deal of harsh self-judgment. Through yoga, we can counteract this by creating a safe, positive environment to reconnect with our bodies and quiet the counterproductive messages that often arise in our minds.
If the traditional more-exercise-less-calories method doesn’t work then look into alternative ways to lose weight. There are little exercises and tips that can take all of 15 minutes of your day - such as the ancient Chinese system of exercise called Chi Kung. A specific series of movements called the Swimming Dragon is renowned for its effectiveness in helping to lose weight.
Through a series of simple movements, the Swimming Dragon works to stimulate the correct flow of chi, or vital energy, through the meridians (energy pathways) of the body. The exercise massages all the internal organs and helps to normalise hormone secretions. By practising the exercise for 15 minutes once or twice a day, it is claimed that your body will begin to naturally break down unwanted fatty tissue. (Alexander, J, 1996: 31)
Lastly, weight loss is something to be achieved over time: take it a step at a time and don’t expect too much. Most importantly, losing weight should be something that fits comfortably into the rest of your life and something that you enjoy.
Alexander, J., 1996, ‘How to lose weight in fifteen minutes.’ The Daily Mail. December 30.
Bell, B, 2006, ‘Can Yoga help me to Lose Weight?’ Yoga Journal. Online. Available from: ‘’ [Accessed 14/11/06]
Biggs, S, 2006, ‘Lose Weight with Water.’ Website For Women. Available from: ‘,9544,233_576059,00.html’ [Accessed 14/11/06]
Collins, A, 2005. Weight Loss Support website. Available from: ‘’ [Accessed 14/11/06]
Hill, J., Peters, J.C., Jortberg, B. T., Peeke, P., 2004, The Step Diet : Count Steps, Not Calories to Lose Weight and Keep It off Forever. New York: Longman Publishing Company
Meadows, M., 2003, ‘How to Keep Your Heart Healthy.’ FDA Consumer. Vol 37. Issue 6.
Ultra-FIT Magazine. Available from: ‘’ [Accessed 14/11/06]
This article was written by Verena Veneeva professional writer working for
You are free to reprint this article; however should you do so you must place a hyperlink to Papers4you
Article Source:
For those of us who lead busy lives losing weight can seem difficult to achieve. Health advisors suggest that a sensible way to lose weight is to increase the amount of daily exercise. In their publication, The Step Diet, Hill et al. suggest that over 2000 steps a day will significantly contribute to a reduction in weight. (Hill et al., 2004: 2). This is a useful method as it is doesn’t cost anything and can be incorporated into your daily routine. Diet pills and regimes are not advisable as they can precipitate dramatic weight loss, which can cause you more problems - such as skin problems and hair loss. In the worst case scenario they can cause you to gain weight - as any sudden change in the metabolic rate can mean that when you start eating normally again you pile back on the pounds.
If exercise alone is difficult then a balanced regime of exercise and reduced calorie intake - bearing in mind the maxim ‘little and often’ - is a good way to approach losing weight. It is generally believed that eating three smaller regular meals, with morning and afternoon snacks in between, is the best way to lose weight. Regular eating maintains a balanced sugar level in the blood, preventing hunger and helps us to avoid overeating. This has the effect of speeding up the metabolic rate so your body breaks food down more quickly to turn it into energy. “Ideally, eat something small (even a piece of fruit) every 3 hours (women) or every 5 hours (men)” (Collins, 2005).
Another timeless way to lose weight - and one that will save you money - is to increase your daily intake of water. This is important as dehydration can mean that you don’t reap the full benefits of your efforts to lose weight. Enough water is considered to be at least two litres a day (Biggs, 2006). If you don‘t drink enough then your metabolism will shut down first causing your weight loss to slow right down; your digestion will suffer; and you might experience ‘fake hunger’ symptoms (Biggs 2006) .
It is important to remember that some people lose weight more easily than others because of their body’s ability to burn fat. One of the most effective ways to burn fat is through cardio-vascular exercise which increases the heart rate sufficiently - for example, aerobics or running. This form of exercise is more effective than, say for example, weight lifting or light walking, which are good muscle-toning activities helping to reduce the appearance of fat. However, if you simply don’t have time to go to an aerobics class or the space in your own home, then other forms of exercise are still effective. Jon Shepherd, from Ultra-FIT magazine, explains:
“You won't burn so many calories weight training, but the potential effect it will have on your body composition and metabolic rate are significant. Muscle is the most metabolically active part of your body, burning up to three times as many calories as any other tissue type. Weights (and other forms of resistance training, like circuits) promote the development of lean muscle, boosting your fat burning potential” Source: (
Fitness activities and calorie burning
Activity calories/hour
Aerobics high intensity 520
Rowing – slow 400
Weight training 270-450
Swimming for fitness 630
Treadmill running (3.8min/km) 1000
Treadmill running (5.6 min/km) 750
Source: (
The above figures are based on a 65kg individual. If you weighed more then additional calories will be expended, fewer if you weigh less.
The table illustrates the differences in calorie reduction between various activities. It is important to find the right kind of exercise to suit you. For most people, walking is the easiest and most effective form of exercise. Ann Bolger, M.D., a spokeswoman for the American Heart Association (AHA) says, ‘exercising is like taking the pennies from under the couch cushions and putting them into your piggybank,’ in that every little bit counts.’ (Meadows 2003: 18). There are many small ways of increasing the amount of walking in your day. For example, if you have a dog, or someone in your family or a friend has a dog, then try to find the time each day to take it for a brisk half-hour walk. If you’re lucky to live a mile or so away from work then get up a bit earlier and walk instead of catching the bus. Even parking a bit further away when you go shopping can make a difference.
So this is all about what to do outside the home. But what about when you come back from a day at work and you want to relax? You can contribute to your efforts to lose weight by the way you cook: using unsaturated vegetable oils, and oils such as corn, olive, or soyabean makes a significant difference to your fat intake. Snacks too can be swapped for healthier, lower fat options such as sesame snaps; Ryvita, or a piece of fruit.
(Meadows 2003: 18). Many of us like to relax with a glass of wine in front of the TV - but there are other more weight-loss-effective ways of relaxation. Try substituting your daily glass of wine (110 calories) or half bottle (250 calories) for a session of meditative yoga. In this way you can reduce calorie intake, and exercise and relax all at the same time, and it doesn’t cost you a penny. “Yoga also offers psychological benefits. As Baxter Bell, a graduate of Piedmont Yoga Studio's Advanced Studies Program, says:
Weight gain often brings with it a great deal of harsh self-judgment. Through yoga, we can counteract this by creating a safe, positive environment to reconnect with our bodies and quiet the counterproductive messages that often arise in our minds.
If the traditional more-exercise-less-calories method doesn’t work then look into alternative ways to lose weight. There are little exercises and tips that can take all of 15 minutes of your day - such as the ancient Chinese system of exercise called Chi Kung. A specific series of movements called the Swimming Dragon is renowned for its effectiveness in helping to lose weight.
Through a series of simple movements, the Swimming Dragon works to stimulate the correct flow of chi, or vital energy, through the meridians (energy pathways) of the body. The exercise massages all the internal organs and helps to normalise hormone secretions. By practising the exercise for 15 minutes once or twice a day, it is claimed that your body will begin to naturally break down unwanted fatty tissue. (Alexander, J, 1996: 31)
Lastly, weight loss is something to be achieved over time: take it a step at a time and don’t expect too much. Most importantly, losing weight should be something that fits comfortably into the rest of your life and something that you enjoy.
Alexander, J., 1996, ‘How to lose weight in fifteen minutes.’ The Daily Mail. December 30.
Bell, B, 2006, ‘Can Yoga help me to Lose Weight?’ Yoga Journal. Online. Available from: ‘’ [Accessed 14/11/06]
Biggs, S, 2006, ‘Lose Weight with Water.’ Website For Women. Available from: ‘,9544,233_576059,00.html’ [Accessed 14/11/06]
Collins, A, 2005. Weight Loss Support website. Available from: ‘’ [Accessed 14/11/06]
Hill, J., Peters, J.C., Jortberg, B. T., Peeke, P., 2004, The Step Diet : Count Steps, Not Calories to Lose Weight and Keep It off Forever. New York: Longman Publishing Company
Meadows, M., 2003, ‘How to Keep Your Heart Healthy.’ FDA Consumer. Vol 37. Issue 6.
Ultra-FIT Magazine. Available from: ‘’ [Accessed 14/11/06]
This article was written by Verena Veneeva professional writer working for
You are free to reprint this article; however should you do so you must place a hyperlink to Papers4you
Article Source:
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Best Exercise To Lose Weight
By []John Wheeler
What is the best exercise to lose weight?
It's difficult to give a specific answer to this question as it depends on an individual's own unique circumstances and personal preferences. So what I'll do in this article is give you some suggestions as to what I feel are the best exercises to lose weight, and then you can make up your own mind. Generally speaking, an exercise that works on your cardio is ideal for helping you to lose weight as it stimulates your heart rate and forces your body to begin burning energy and excess fat. Pumping weights at the gym may make you stronger, but it won't necessarily help you to lose weight, much the same as crunches will tone your abdominals but won't help you to lose belly fat.
Play A Sport
Sometimes the hardest thing about an exercise routine is sticking to it. By regularly playing a sport that you enjoy, you can avoid this problem and help yourself to lose weight quickly, obviously depending on the type of sport and the intensity with which you participate. For instance, playing squash is going to help you lose weight quicker than say golf.
Running Or Jogging
The timeless favourite to get fit and lose weight. Most lose weight exercise programs will inevitably include some running or jogging at some point. The great thing about using jogging as an exercise to lose weight is you can do it pretty much anywhere, and you don't need any equipment. If you are a member of a gym, why not include an intense run on the running machine as a good warm up before your session.
Start with 10 minutes and gradually work your way up to 20 minutes.
In addition, go for runs outside in your local park or similar area, it will be less boring than the machines at the gym!
The other great thing about running is that it's easy to track your progress and see your improvement over time, with greater distances run in quicker times, and improved recovery rates - not to mention a noticeable weight loss.
If you are not able to run or jog, don't worry. Go for long brisk walks and try to improve your times as you progress. Many people pooh-pooh walking as an exercise to help them lose weight, but if done on a regular basis with a good pace you can begin to see dramatic results, and, more importantly, the progress you make will inspire you to continue with your exercise program.
My uncle suffered from heart and weight problems and was literally at death's door. The doctors advised him to change his diet and begin taking regular walks every day, so he did. Today, he is in much better shape and continues to get up early in the morning and walk for a good couple of hours. He has lowered his blood pressure as well as losing fat, and this change of lifestyle and exercise has literally transformed him. Never underestimate the power of even the simplest of exercises.
Another great exercise that can be performed at home, in the gym, or out in the fresh air. An excellent cardio exercise, cycling has many benefits to help you to lose weight, as well as increased stamina, endurance and strength.
If you haven't already, you should definitely look to incorporate some bike work into your workouts - even a simple thing like cycling to work everyday instead of catching the bus or taking the car can have a profound effect on your weight loss success.
An often underrated exercise to lose weight, swimming has the added benefit of significantly improving stamina and muscular strength as well as toning your body.
I guess the reason it's underrated as an exercise to lose weight is that we associate lose weight exercises to building up a sweat, and obviously you don't sweat while swimming (or at least, you don't notice it). However, swimming is one of the best all round exercises.
It must be stressed though that swimming needs to be complemented by a good healthy diet plan which looks at eliminating unnecessary calories. Swimming on its own, as with all the exercises mentioned here will not help you to lose weight if your calorie intake remains high, and you have a poor diet.
Before beginning any of the lose weight exercises here, I would recommend taking a look at Fitness Expert Craig Ballantyne's Exercise and Weight Loss Program. He has a Free report on common mistakes and pitfalls in exercise programs, and shows you how you can maximise your exercise routines in just 45 minutes 3 times per week.
To download a Free exercise program from Craig to help you lose weight,
go here --> []Free lose weight exercise program
Article Source:
What is the best exercise to lose weight?
It's difficult to give a specific answer to this question as it depends on an individual's own unique circumstances and personal preferences. So what I'll do in this article is give you some suggestions as to what I feel are the best exercises to lose weight, and then you can make up your own mind. Generally speaking, an exercise that works on your cardio is ideal for helping you to lose weight as it stimulates your heart rate and forces your body to begin burning energy and excess fat. Pumping weights at the gym may make you stronger, but it won't necessarily help you to lose weight, much the same as crunches will tone your abdominals but won't help you to lose belly fat.
Play A Sport
Sometimes the hardest thing about an exercise routine is sticking to it. By regularly playing a sport that you enjoy, you can avoid this problem and help yourself to lose weight quickly, obviously depending on the type of sport and the intensity with which you participate. For instance, playing squash is going to help you lose weight quicker than say golf.
Running Or Jogging
The timeless favourite to get fit and lose weight. Most lose weight exercise programs will inevitably include some running or jogging at some point. The great thing about using jogging as an exercise to lose weight is you can do it pretty much anywhere, and you don't need any equipment. If you are a member of a gym, why not include an intense run on the running machine as a good warm up before your session.
Start with 10 minutes and gradually work your way up to 20 minutes.
In addition, go for runs outside in your local park or similar area, it will be less boring than the machines at the gym!
The other great thing about running is that it's easy to track your progress and see your improvement over time, with greater distances run in quicker times, and improved recovery rates - not to mention a noticeable weight loss.
If you are not able to run or jog, don't worry. Go for long brisk walks and try to improve your times as you progress. Many people pooh-pooh walking as an exercise to help them lose weight, but if done on a regular basis with a good pace you can begin to see dramatic results, and, more importantly, the progress you make will inspire you to continue with your exercise program.
My uncle suffered from heart and weight problems and was literally at death's door. The doctors advised him to change his diet and begin taking regular walks every day, so he did. Today, he is in much better shape and continues to get up early in the morning and walk for a good couple of hours. He has lowered his blood pressure as well as losing fat, and this change of lifestyle and exercise has literally transformed him. Never underestimate the power of even the simplest of exercises.
Another great exercise that can be performed at home, in the gym, or out in the fresh air. An excellent cardio exercise, cycling has many benefits to help you to lose weight, as well as increased stamina, endurance and strength.
If you haven't already, you should definitely look to incorporate some bike work into your workouts - even a simple thing like cycling to work everyday instead of catching the bus or taking the car can have a profound effect on your weight loss success.
An often underrated exercise to lose weight, swimming has the added benefit of significantly improving stamina and muscular strength as well as toning your body.
I guess the reason it's underrated as an exercise to lose weight is that we associate lose weight exercises to building up a sweat, and obviously you don't sweat while swimming (or at least, you don't notice it). However, swimming is one of the best all round exercises.
It must be stressed though that swimming needs to be complemented by a good healthy diet plan which looks at eliminating unnecessary calories. Swimming on its own, as with all the exercises mentioned here will not help you to lose weight if your calorie intake remains high, and you have a poor diet.
Before beginning any of the lose weight exercises here, I would recommend taking a look at Fitness Expert Craig Ballantyne's Exercise and Weight Loss Program. He has a Free report on common mistakes and pitfalls in exercise programs, and shows you how you can maximise your exercise routines in just 45 minutes 3 times per week.
To download a Free exercise program from Craig to help you lose weight,
go here --> []Free lose weight exercise program
Article Source:
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Weight Loss Or Fat Loss - Important Differences To Lose Weight And Fat Healthily
By []Chris Chew
Some people used the term “weight loss” while others call it “fat loss” whilst many use the terms weight loss and fat loss interchangeably. Do they mean the same thing? To many people, they do mean the same thing. But the terms may be entirely different in meaning. You must know the difference if you want to lose weight or lose fat effectively and healthily.
When you step onto your bathroom scale every morning, what you will be reading from the scale is weight loss and not fat loss. Bath room scales are never accurate in determining fat loss.
Why? Because it measures your overall weight and not your body fat per se. If you weigh yourself in the morning before breakfast after your bowel movement, you will probably get your lowest reading of the day because your body is dehydrated through hours of non fluid replenishment when you were sleeping and after emptying your bowels, more water and wastes are flushed away so much so that you are you are lighter. After a night of sleep and not eating anything, your carbohydrate store is running low and therefore you are even lighter without the stored carbohydrate known as glycogen. What happened then? You just loss weight not loss fat! Your body fat is still there while the weight of other substances such as glycogen, wastes, water etc are depleted.
Now go weigh yourself again after dinner when you are fully replenished through meals and consumption of water and it may surprised you that you may probably weigh 2kg or more heavier and that is at least 4.4 pounds! You just gained weight and may even gained fat! Now you can see that it is such a misnomer when people think weight loss and fat loss are the same thing.
Why must you know the difference? Because for most of us, especially those who are on the fat side want to lose fat and not necessarily want to lose weight. Getting the drift?
Now for the more important part. Mere weight loss may cause you to lose muscle and in turn, make you gain body fat later. Yes, it is ironical. That is because the more muscle mass you have, the more you burn fat efficiently because muscle is an active tissue and it requires calories to function. Body fat just sit there doing nothing and thus do not burn calories on its own. So the less muscle mass you have, the less calories your body will burn. The fewer calories your body burn, the more calories ended up being stored as body fat! Therefore it is important to lose fat but not merely lose weight which may include the loss of muscle tissues.
How is it that a person may lose muscle on a weight loss program? Well for starters, we commonly hear about people going on this diet and that diet. Most diets demand a severe restriction of food or calorie intake. Your body will then signal to your mind that you are in a starvation mode and the body is designed to store fat for the impending famine and will use up your muscle for energy in your daily activities.
Some diets advocate a severe cut in carbohydrate. Carbohydrate is your body's first source of energy. When your body is depleted of carbohydrate, it turns to your protein (muscles) and body fat indiscriminately for energy. Now to make matters worse, because of the restricted carbohydrate consumed, there will be fewer carbohydrate calories to be used as energy calories and that again will signal the onset of starvation mode again. The vicious cycle of your body cannibalizing its own muscle is set in motion again. The same applies to people on slimming pills or salon fat loss programs.
So some people say ok, Chris, I see your point, so I will just do plenty of cardio exercises to lose weight. Another grave mistake. Have you ever wondered why marathon runners, those who run many kilometers often and are doing cardio exercises almost everyday are so skinny with no muscle tone? Because your body is a wonderful machine. It is designed to adapt. When you run or skip or swim long enough, it will say, look, I better get lighter so that I can take the stress better and improve the endurance. Guess what? Your muscles are heavier than fats and what will your body shed more when it wants to get lighter? Muscle or fat? Your body will shed both but more muscles than fats.
Anyway, why would you want to lose weight only to become a smaller you with the same body shape without any muscle tone? Why would you want to be on a weight loss program that eats your muscles and lower your fat burning rate so much so that when you are off the program, the fats come piling back on again?
Therefore, while you are on a lose weight program, you must also be on a build muscle program. That will mean a combination of correct dietary habit, cardio exercises and weightlifting exercises to maintain muscle preservation and a fat loss result.
From now on tell people you are on a fat loss program and not a weight loss program. That you are on a correct eating habit instead of just simply dieting.
With the distinction clearly in mind, you will then know how to lose fat effectively, preserve and grow your muscles and at the same time losing weight on your bathroom scale. That would be an ideal way to achieve your weight loss objective because you will lose body fat instead of muscle and mere body wastes.
Chris Chew is a fitness personal trainer of fashion models, male pageant winners and actors. More free fitness tips at :- []Free Fitness Tips []Lose fat build muscles fast
Article Source:
Some people used the term “weight loss” while others call it “fat loss” whilst many use the terms weight loss and fat loss interchangeably. Do they mean the same thing? To many people, they do mean the same thing. But the terms may be entirely different in meaning. You must know the difference if you want to lose weight or lose fat effectively and healthily.
When you step onto your bathroom scale every morning, what you will be reading from the scale is weight loss and not fat loss. Bath room scales are never accurate in determining fat loss.
Why? Because it measures your overall weight and not your body fat per se. If you weigh yourself in the morning before breakfast after your bowel movement, you will probably get your lowest reading of the day because your body is dehydrated through hours of non fluid replenishment when you were sleeping and after emptying your bowels, more water and wastes are flushed away so much so that you are you are lighter. After a night of sleep and not eating anything, your carbohydrate store is running low and therefore you are even lighter without the stored carbohydrate known as glycogen. What happened then? You just loss weight not loss fat! Your body fat is still there while the weight of other substances such as glycogen, wastes, water etc are depleted.
Now go weigh yourself again after dinner when you are fully replenished through meals and consumption of water and it may surprised you that you may probably weigh 2kg or more heavier and that is at least 4.4 pounds! You just gained weight and may even gained fat! Now you can see that it is such a misnomer when people think weight loss and fat loss are the same thing.
Why must you know the difference? Because for most of us, especially those who are on the fat side want to lose fat and not necessarily want to lose weight. Getting the drift?
Now for the more important part. Mere weight loss may cause you to lose muscle and in turn, make you gain body fat later. Yes, it is ironical. That is because the more muscle mass you have, the more you burn fat efficiently because muscle is an active tissue and it requires calories to function. Body fat just sit there doing nothing and thus do not burn calories on its own. So the less muscle mass you have, the less calories your body will burn. The fewer calories your body burn, the more calories ended up being stored as body fat! Therefore it is important to lose fat but not merely lose weight which may include the loss of muscle tissues.
How is it that a person may lose muscle on a weight loss program? Well for starters, we commonly hear about people going on this diet and that diet. Most diets demand a severe restriction of food or calorie intake. Your body will then signal to your mind that you are in a starvation mode and the body is designed to store fat for the impending famine and will use up your muscle for energy in your daily activities.
Some diets advocate a severe cut in carbohydrate. Carbohydrate is your body's first source of energy. When your body is depleted of carbohydrate, it turns to your protein (muscles) and body fat indiscriminately for energy. Now to make matters worse, because of the restricted carbohydrate consumed, there will be fewer carbohydrate calories to be used as energy calories and that again will signal the onset of starvation mode again. The vicious cycle of your body cannibalizing its own muscle is set in motion again. The same applies to people on slimming pills or salon fat loss programs.
So some people say ok, Chris, I see your point, so I will just do plenty of cardio exercises to lose weight. Another grave mistake. Have you ever wondered why marathon runners, those who run many kilometers often and are doing cardio exercises almost everyday are so skinny with no muscle tone? Because your body is a wonderful machine. It is designed to adapt. When you run or skip or swim long enough, it will say, look, I better get lighter so that I can take the stress better and improve the endurance. Guess what? Your muscles are heavier than fats and what will your body shed more when it wants to get lighter? Muscle or fat? Your body will shed both but more muscles than fats.
Anyway, why would you want to lose weight only to become a smaller you with the same body shape without any muscle tone? Why would you want to be on a weight loss program that eats your muscles and lower your fat burning rate so much so that when you are off the program, the fats come piling back on again?
Therefore, while you are on a lose weight program, you must also be on a build muscle program. That will mean a combination of correct dietary habit, cardio exercises and weightlifting exercises to maintain muscle preservation and a fat loss result.
From now on tell people you are on a fat loss program and not a weight loss program. That you are on a correct eating habit instead of just simply dieting.
With the distinction clearly in mind, you will then know how to lose fat effectively, preserve and grow your muscles and at the same time losing weight on your bathroom scale. That would be an ideal way to achieve your weight loss objective because you will lose body fat instead of muscle and mere body wastes.
Chris Chew is a fitness personal trainer of fashion models, male pageant winners and actors. More free fitness tips at :- []Free Fitness Tips []Lose fat build muscles fast
Article Source:
Monday, July 20, 2009
How Lose Weight Fast Diets Mislead You
By []David Buster
Are you wondering how lose weight fast diets work? It's a legitimate question to ask -- and here's how lose weight fast diets promise that you'll achieve fast weight loss but usually fail to deliver what they promise:
• Before and After Photos - the photos shown are impressive. Don't be mislead. Assuming the subjects really lost weight, it was likely with tremendous will power and at the expense of their overall health.
• Low-Fat/High-Carb Dieting - virtually all the diets promise that they are how lose weight fast diets are supposed to work. Somewhere, you're going to be asked to purchase a product or products. That is the real goal of the diet and its promises.
• Calorie Restriction - how lose weight fast diets rely on limiting calories and they fail to address insulin imbalance and blood sugar fluctuations. What this means is by following the calorie restriction recommendations, you will be hungry most of the time. That's no way to lose weight permanently. And the weight you do lose in the first few weeks will be water and lean muscle which sets the stage for more weight gain later. What you really want to do is to lose fat (not water and muscle), you want the loss to be permanent and you do not want to be craving food and snacks constantly. You can read how to achieve this kind of weight loss right now.
How lose weight fast diets cannot work to help you permanently lose weight without your being hungry most of the time, and the reason is because these types of diets rely on will power. If you are just strong enough and disciplined enough, the pounds will magically melt away while at the same time, you will not feel hungry. Unfortunately, this is working against the body, not with it. If you really want to lose weight forever, you need to work with nature and your body, not against it.
How can you learn more about how lose weight fast diets do not work and are not the way to permanently lose weight? What you must do to achieve weight loss without being hungry and without having to buy weight loss products that do not work?
There's a free online weight loss report that explains it all including important subjects such as how much can one eat, what are the good and bad fats and oils, why you get cellulite even if you're not overweight, how fast should you lose weight, and what about weight loss pills, fat blockers and much more.
Copyright 2005 InfoSearch Publishing
Go to []online weight loss to read how to permanently lose weight without being hungry. David Buster is VP of InfoSearch Publishing and webmaster of - a website of natural health articles and related health resources.
Article Source:
Are you wondering how lose weight fast diets work? It's a legitimate question to ask -- and here's how lose weight fast diets promise that you'll achieve fast weight loss but usually fail to deliver what they promise:
• Before and After Photos - the photos shown are impressive. Don't be mislead. Assuming the subjects really lost weight, it was likely with tremendous will power and at the expense of their overall health.
• Low-Fat/High-Carb Dieting - virtually all the diets promise that they are how lose weight fast diets are supposed to work. Somewhere, you're going to be asked to purchase a product or products. That is the real goal of the diet and its promises.
• Calorie Restriction - how lose weight fast diets rely on limiting calories and they fail to address insulin imbalance and blood sugar fluctuations. What this means is by following the calorie restriction recommendations, you will be hungry most of the time. That's no way to lose weight permanently. And the weight you do lose in the first few weeks will be water and lean muscle which sets the stage for more weight gain later. What you really want to do is to lose fat (not water and muscle), you want the loss to be permanent and you do not want to be craving food and snacks constantly. You can read how to achieve this kind of weight loss right now.
How lose weight fast diets cannot work to help you permanently lose weight without your being hungry most of the time, and the reason is because these types of diets rely on will power. If you are just strong enough and disciplined enough, the pounds will magically melt away while at the same time, you will not feel hungry. Unfortunately, this is working against the body, not with it. If you really want to lose weight forever, you need to work with nature and your body, not against it.
How can you learn more about how lose weight fast diets do not work and are not the way to permanently lose weight? What you must do to achieve weight loss without being hungry and without having to buy weight loss products that do not work?
There's a free online weight loss report that explains it all including important subjects such as how much can one eat, what are the good and bad fats and oils, why you get cellulite even if you're not overweight, how fast should you lose weight, and what about weight loss pills, fat blockers and much more.
Copyright 2005 InfoSearch Publishing
Go to []online weight loss to read how to permanently lose weight without being hungry. David Buster is VP of InfoSearch Publishing and webmaster of - a website of natural health articles and related health resources.
Article Source:
Sunday, July 19, 2009
A Mediterranean Diet - How to Lose Weight Safely
By []Ray Darken
If you are looking for a way to lose fifteen pounds in two weeks, a high protein diet, a low carb diet, a fruit diet, a no fat diet, a blood type diet, a juice fast, a diet named after a place in Miami, a grapefruit diet, a cactus diet, a coffee and cigarette diet, a diet that includes sweets, a diet based on your body type, a diet based on an ancient religion or a diet based on your hair color, then this article is NOT for you.
Fad and crash diets, such as the ones described above are not only unhealthy but they also cause rebound weight gain. Also most diets, even though diet gurus write them, cause an initial weight loss but the ultimate result is that you gain all of the weight back the minute you go off the plan. If you don't gain it back within a couple of diets, you are likely to gain it all back plus a bit more within a year.
Crash diets dehydrate you, low calorie diets put your body into starvation mode so you plateau so you can't lose one more pound and high protein diets stress your kidneys and clog your arteries.
So how does one lose weight?
There is only one answer to this question.
You need to expend more calories than you are taking in. Restricting certain foods, eating so-called fat burning foods, or dehydrating yourself with special pills or teas does not do it.
It is simple math. The only way is to eat a little less and exercise a little more. Here is the equation below:
Eating Less + Exercising More = Weight Loss.
This is not a magical formula, it is just logic. It is also not a fast way to lose weight. As I have mentioned before, this is not an article about how to lose ten pounds in three days or 30 pounds in a month. It is about safe, healthy weight loss.
In order to lose weight safely and without putting yourself at risk for such health hazards as dehydration, kidney failure, malnutrition, exhaustion, nervous dysfunction, tooth loss, dull hair, wrinkles, cellulite, sudden heart failure or stroke and lose the weight so that it stays off, you should lose no more than approximately two pounds a week!
Although that might not sound like a large amount of weight to lose it actually is! If you lose 2 pounds a week that means you can achieve a weight loss of ten pounds a month! If you only have twenty pounds to lose then your weight loss is not only quite rapid, but you have the extra guarantee that it will stay off because you have followed a sensible exercise plan that did not involve starving, exhausting or depriving yourself. If you are willing to drop your impatience and desire for immediate gratification and stick to an exercise plan and healthy eating habits, then a Mediterranean Diet is for you. Remember being slim is only good if you are able to enjoy it!
Do You Need to Lose Weight?
Fascination with Fat
If you want to lose weight, you first need to assess whether you need to actually lose weight or are simply a fashion victim. Unfortunately this society is fascinated with fat - who has it and who doesn't. As we are persuaded by so many images in the media that persuade us to believe that you can never be too thin, many of us are bad judges of our actual body weight.
If you are under the age of eighteen and reading this book, the first thing you need to do is consult with your parent about your plans to lose weight. Have her make an appointment with a physician so that he can indicate to you whether or not you are a candidate for weight loss.
If you are an adult, it is possible that you may not be overweight and are just trying to be, as Bridget Jones put it in Bridget Jones Diary "a stick insect with eyelashes." It is also very possible that you know you need to lose weight but have no idea where to start.
If you are obese and you know it, then you have to check with a physician first to see how your health is before you embark on any exercise program or plan. The same is also true if you have any kind of medical condition but especially a thyroid condition or heart condition. Some physicians may not recommend a weight loss program for those who are over 40 as due to genetics and hormonal changes some people naturally just round out or gain weight in a way that simply cannot be changed. If your doctor tells you your spreading hips are due to menopause or genetics, believe him! It is not clever to fool with Mother Nature.
Author Ray Darken - Ray has supplied a quick down-loadable users recipe and diet plan in the form of a guide on the []Mediterranean diet for easy access. If you would like more information, this next site is dedicated to []the Mediterranean diet and includes tips, articles, the guide mentioned above and other related guides.
Article Source:
If you are looking for a way to lose fifteen pounds in two weeks, a high protein diet, a low carb diet, a fruit diet, a no fat diet, a blood type diet, a juice fast, a diet named after a place in Miami, a grapefruit diet, a cactus diet, a coffee and cigarette diet, a diet that includes sweets, a diet based on your body type, a diet based on an ancient religion or a diet based on your hair color, then this article is NOT for you.
Fad and crash diets, such as the ones described above are not only unhealthy but they also cause rebound weight gain. Also most diets, even though diet gurus write them, cause an initial weight loss but the ultimate result is that you gain all of the weight back the minute you go off the plan. If you don't gain it back within a couple of diets, you are likely to gain it all back plus a bit more within a year.
Crash diets dehydrate you, low calorie diets put your body into starvation mode so you plateau so you can't lose one more pound and high protein diets stress your kidneys and clog your arteries.
So how does one lose weight?
There is only one answer to this question.
You need to expend more calories than you are taking in. Restricting certain foods, eating so-called fat burning foods, or dehydrating yourself with special pills or teas does not do it.
It is simple math. The only way is to eat a little less and exercise a little more. Here is the equation below:
Eating Less + Exercising More = Weight Loss.
This is not a magical formula, it is just logic. It is also not a fast way to lose weight. As I have mentioned before, this is not an article about how to lose ten pounds in three days or 30 pounds in a month. It is about safe, healthy weight loss.
In order to lose weight safely and without putting yourself at risk for such health hazards as dehydration, kidney failure, malnutrition, exhaustion, nervous dysfunction, tooth loss, dull hair, wrinkles, cellulite, sudden heart failure or stroke and lose the weight so that it stays off, you should lose no more than approximately two pounds a week!
Although that might not sound like a large amount of weight to lose it actually is! If you lose 2 pounds a week that means you can achieve a weight loss of ten pounds a month! If you only have twenty pounds to lose then your weight loss is not only quite rapid, but you have the extra guarantee that it will stay off because you have followed a sensible exercise plan that did not involve starving, exhausting or depriving yourself. If you are willing to drop your impatience and desire for immediate gratification and stick to an exercise plan and healthy eating habits, then a Mediterranean Diet is for you. Remember being slim is only good if you are able to enjoy it!
Do You Need to Lose Weight?
Fascination with Fat
If you want to lose weight, you first need to assess whether you need to actually lose weight or are simply a fashion victim. Unfortunately this society is fascinated with fat - who has it and who doesn't. As we are persuaded by so many images in the media that persuade us to believe that you can never be too thin, many of us are bad judges of our actual body weight.
If you are under the age of eighteen and reading this book, the first thing you need to do is consult with your parent about your plans to lose weight. Have her make an appointment with a physician so that he can indicate to you whether or not you are a candidate for weight loss.
If you are an adult, it is possible that you may not be overweight and are just trying to be, as Bridget Jones put it in Bridget Jones Diary "a stick insect with eyelashes." It is also very possible that you know you need to lose weight but have no idea where to start.
If you are obese and you know it, then you have to check with a physician first to see how your health is before you embark on any exercise program or plan. The same is also true if you have any kind of medical condition but especially a thyroid condition or heart condition. Some physicians may not recommend a weight loss program for those who are over 40 as due to genetics and hormonal changes some people naturally just round out or gain weight in a way that simply cannot be changed. If your doctor tells you your spreading hips are due to menopause or genetics, believe him! It is not clever to fool with Mother Nature.
Author Ray Darken - Ray has supplied a quick down-loadable users recipe and diet plan in the form of a guide on the []Mediterranean diet for easy access. If you would like more information, this next site is dedicated to []the Mediterranean diet and includes tips, articles, the guide mentioned above and other related guides.
Article Source:
Saturday, July 18, 2009
"Trying" To Lose Weight? Don't!
By Mark Idzik
Are you trying to lose weight?
If you are, STOP!
Funny thing to say coming from someone that wants to help you lose all the weight you want, right?
Actually, there's a good reason.
You see, you can't try to lose weight. Don't believe me?
OK, let's use an example. Look around where you are sitting right now and find a small object. Perhaps a pen, envelope or book. Got it?
Now, try to pick it up. Go ahead.
Is it in your hand? If it is, well, then you didn't try, you actually picked it up. If it's not in your hand, you didn't.
Simple, right?
There's no middle ground in doing. You can't "try" to do anything, it's a fallacy. You either do it, or don't do it.
The same applies to losing weight (or anything else for that matter). Saying that you'll try gives your mind fuzzy instructions, and it will return fuzzy results, results that aren't what you really want. It also gives you a "way out" if you don't achieve the goals you set out to reach.
You see, your subconscious mind doesn't interpret your directions, it just goes to work following them as complete truth. When you say you'll "try to lose weight", it will "try" to follow your instructions, which we now know is impossible.
What in fact you want, (if you really do) is to lose weight. To feel better. To have more energy. To overcome health challenges. To look great.
Now, if you say you want to lose weight and are not successful, or continue to use language that includes words like "try" or "we'll see" or "maybe", perhaps you're wired backwards.
What does that mean? Well, maybe you say that you want to lose weight, but your mind says it doesn't. Somewhere along the way you gave your mind instructions that it's too hard, or impossible, to lose the weight you want. Perhaps you're more comfortable where you are now, but know that it's the right thing to say that you want to lose weight.
If this is the case, ask yourself what beliefs you hold that are at odds with what you want. For example, "it's too hard to lose weight", "it's impossible to lose weight", "I can't lose weight because I'd have to exercise all the time", "I'll lose my friends if I lose weight", "I can't lose weight because I've always failed".
Ask yourself if in fact they are true. Are they making your life easier, or more difficult? Do these beliefs serve you or harm you?
Then, replace the old beliefs with new ones. Positive, confident statements about how you want to look and feel.
The best way to lose weight is to avoid saying you'll "try" to lose weight, and say you "will" lose weight. See yourself at your ideal weight. Imagine how great you look and feel. Use positive language and give your mind specific instructions like "I'm now happily at my ideal weight of (number of pounds) weight" or "I now happily choose to wear a size (your ideal size)".
Watch your language and self talk closely and avoid using "try". It may take constant attention at the beginning, but after a short time, you'll get used to keeping your language positive, upbeat and confident.
Your weight loss results will follow immediately, depending on how confident, committed and persistent you are in applying these exercises. The more confident, committed and persistent, the faster your results will appear.
You CAN do it!
Mark Idzik is a health coach with a national clientele who helps his clients lose weight, feel better, overcome health challenges and make better health choices. Get his 37 free tips to guaranteed weight loss by visiting:
Article Source: [!&id=7212 ]!&id=7212
Are you trying to lose weight?
If you are, STOP!
Funny thing to say coming from someone that wants to help you lose all the weight you want, right?
Actually, there's a good reason.
You see, you can't try to lose weight. Don't believe me?
OK, let's use an example. Look around where you are sitting right now and find a small object. Perhaps a pen, envelope or book. Got it?
Now, try to pick it up. Go ahead.
Is it in your hand? If it is, well, then you didn't try, you actually picked it up. If it's not in your hand, you didn't.
Simple, right?
There's no middle ground in doing. You can't "try" to do anything, it's a fallacy. You either do it, or don't do it.
The same applies to losing weight (or anything else for that matter). Saying that you'll try gives your mind fuzzy instructions, and it will return fuzzy results, results that aren't what you really want. It also gives you a "way out" if you don't achieve the goals you set out to reach.
You see, your subconscious mind doesn't interpret your directions, it just goes to work following them as complete truth. When you say you'll "try to lose weight", it will "try" to follow your instructions, which we now know is impossible.
What in fact you want, (if you really do) is to lose weight. To feel better. To have more energy. To overcome health challenges. To look great.
Now, if you say you want to lose weight and are not successful, or continue to use language that includes words like "try" or "we'll see" or "maybe", perhaps you're wired backwards.
What does that mean? Well, maybe you say that you want to lose weight, but your mind says it doesn't. Somewhere along the way you gave your mind instructions that it's too hard, or impossible, to lose the weight you want. Perhaps you're more comfortable where you are now, but know that it's the right thing to say that you want to lose weight.
If this is the case, ask yourself what beliefs you hold that are at odds with what you want. For example, "it's too hard to lose weight", "it's impossible to lose weight", "I can't lose weight because I'd have to exercise all the time", "I'll lose my friends if I lose weight", "I can't lose weight because I've always failed".
Ask yourself if in fact they are true. Are they making your life easier, or more difficult? Do these beliefs serve you or harm you?
Then, replace the old beliefs with new ones. Positive, confident statements about how you want to look and feel.
The best way to lose weight is to avoid saying you'll "try" to lose weight, and say you "will" lose weight. See yourself at your ideal weight. Imagine how great you look and feel. Use positive language and give your mind specific instructions like "I'm now happily at my ideal weight of (number of pounds) weight" or "I now happily choose to wear a size (your ideal size)".
Watch your language and self talk closely and avoid using "try". It may take constant attention at the beginning, but after a short time, you'll get used to keeping your language positive, upbeat and confident.
Your weight loss results will follow immediately, depending on how confident, committed and persistent you are in applying these exercises. The more confident, committed and persistent, the faster your results will appear.
You CAN do it!
Mark Idzik is a health coach with a national clientele who helps his clients lose weight, feel better, overcome health challenges and make better health choices. Get his 37 free tips to guaranteed weight loss by visiting:
Article Source: [!&id=7212 ]!&id=7212
Friday, July 17, 2009
How to Lose Weight After Pregnancy - Five Tips For New Moms to Lose Weight After Baby Birth
Click Here To Lose Pregnancy Weight Fast!
By Shannon Greyson
How You Can Lose Weight After Pregnancy!
Childbirth is a wonderful phase for every woman, but problems strike post pregnancy like weight gain and other body issues. As a woman you are happy to have given birth to a precious child, but you hate the extra weight you have gained. Now you are worried and want to know how to lose weight after baby birth.
Tips To Lose Weight After Pregnancy
Step1. Drink plenty of water
Drink at least 12-15 glasses of water every day. Avoid high calorie beverages including juices and sodas. Try to drink fresh lemon water without adding sugar. It is one of the easiest and quickest tricks to lose extra weight after pregnancy.
Step 2. Check labels
Before purchasing food items check the labels. Do not buy food items that are labeled as low-calorie; such food items contain harmful ingredients such as hydrogenated vegetable oils. Avoid fast foods like burgers and French fries and opt for salad, oat meal and fresh juice as they contain lots of fiber.
Step 3.Breastfeed your baby
Breastfeed your baby twice or thrice a day as it uses up all your stored fats. This can help you burn out more than 500 calories everyday and help your weight loss after baby efforts.
Step 4. Join the gym
After consulting your doctor, join a gym. Try to join a gym, which offers babysitting services so you can focus on your workouts. And do simple things like Instead of using an elevator, use the stairs to speed up baby fat loss.
Step 5. Take a walk daily
Try to take the baby for a walk in the stroller twice a day. Take a walk for about 30-40 minutes. Make it a routine to take these walks. You will also discover these daily walks give you more energy and freshness from within.
Use a Proven Weight Loss System
Most new moms are overwhelmed trying to put a diet and exercise program together that will give them maximum results,they simply cannot find the time. But by utilizing a weight loss program new moms like the one at they can get started losing weight sooner and faster!
Article Source:
Click Here To Lose Pregnancy Weight Fast!
You can find additional information here: Lose Weight After Pregnancy
By Shannon Greyson
How You Can Lose Weight After Pregnancy!
Childbirth is a wonderful phase for every woman, but problems strike post pregnancy like weight gain and other body issues. As a woman you are happy to have given birth to a precious child, but you hate the extra weight you have gained. Now you are worried and want to know how to lose weight after baby birth.
Tips To Lose Weight After Pregnancy
Step1. Drink plenty of water
Drink at least 12-15 glasses of water every day. Avoid high calorie beverages including juices and sodas. Try to drink fresh lemon water without adding sugar. It is one of the easiest and quickest tricks to lose extra weight after pregnancy.
Step 2. Check labels
Before purchasing food items check the labels. Do not buy food items that are labeled as low-calorie; such food items contain harmful ingredients such as hydrogenated vegetable oils. Avoid fast foods like burgers and French fries and opt for salad, oat meal and fresh juice as they contain lots of fiber.
Step 3.Breastfeed your baby
Breastfeed your baby twice or thrice a day as it uses up all your stored fats. This can help you burn out more than 500 calories everyday and help your weight loss after baby efforts.
Step 4. Join the gym
After consulting your doctor, join a gym. Try to join a gym, which offers babysitting services so you can focus on your workouts. And do simple things like Instead of using an elevator, use the stairs to speed up baby fat loss.
Step 5. Take a walk daily
Try to take the baby for a walk in the stroller twice a day. Take a walk for about 30-40 minutes. Make it a routine to take these walks. You will also discover these daily walks give you more energy and freshness from within.
Use a Proven Weight Loss System
Most new moms are overwhelmed trying to put a diet and exercise program together that will give them maximum results,they simply cannot find the time. But by utilizing a weight loss program new moms like the one at they can get started losing weight sooner and faster!
Article Source:
Click Here To Lose Pregnancy Weight Fast!
You can find additional information here: Lose Weight After Pregnancy
Thursday, July 16, 2009
How To Lose Weight After Pregnancy
Have you been struggling to lose weight after pregnancy?
Many people struggle to lose fat after they have had a baby. The fat just seems to stick! No matter what you do it seems like you "just can't" get back the beautiful body you had before you got pregnant.
Having a baby is great and all, but you still want to look good!
You can safely drop those extra pounds and inches you gained while pregnant... without wasting money and time on dangerous drugs, stimulants, or gym memberships... Your mummy tummy doesn't have to be permanent.
"I just had my first child...and although I was so excited about the beautiful little girl I had brought into this world...I wasn't so excited about what it had done to my body!
All those "trouble areas" before looked WAY worse now...
My thighs looked huge...
My stomach wasn't as tight anymore, I had gained at least 10 pounds of tummy fat...
My buns weren't holding that nice tight shape...
And my breasts were so much bigger...they were starting to sag!"
Actually, losing weight after pregnancy isn't that hard if you know a few basic principles. "You don't need to have a personal trainer, chef and all the time in the world to get back into shape like some Hollywood star..."
When I looked around for a simple guide that focused on specific weight loss tips to lose pregnancy weight, there weren't any! I found myself struggling though different exercises and programs that just weren't going to work for a new mother.
Finally, with a lot of research I found some tips and techniques that actually work and won't ruin your health. I recommend the Weight Loss After Pregnancy program if you want to get serious about
In the next article I'm going to share some of the things I learned through my research.
For more information and links go to: Lose Weight After Pregnancy
Many people struggle to lose fat after they have had a baby. The fat just seems to stick! No matter what you do it seems like you "just can't" get back the beautiful body you had before you got pregnant.
Having a baby is great and all, but you still want to look good!
You can safely drop those extra pounds and inches you gained while pregnant... without wasting money and time on dangerous drugs, stimulants, or gym memberships... Your mummy tummy doesn't have to be permanent.
"I just had my first child...and although I was so excited about the beautiful little girl I had brought into this world...I wasn't so excited about what it had done to my body!
All those "trouble areas" before looked WAY worse now...
My thighs looked huge...
My stomach wasn't as tight anymore, I had gained at least 10 pounds of tummy fat...
My buns weren't holding that nice tight shape...
And my breasts were so much bigger...they were starting to sag!"
Actually, losing weight after pregnancy isn't that hard if you know a few basic principles. "You don't need to have a personal trainer, chef and all the time in the world to get back into shape like some Hollywood star..."
When I looked around for a simple guide that focused on specific weight loss tips to lose pregnancy weight, there weren't any! I found myself struggling though different exercises and programs that just weren't going to work for a new mother.
Finally, with a lot of research I found some tips and techniques that actually work and won't ruin your health. I recommend the Weight Loss After Pregnancy program if you want to get serious about
In the next article I'm going to share some of the things I learned through my research.
For more information and links go to: Lose Weight After Pregnancy
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
How to Lose Fat and Look Good in Few Days
By []Henry Webb
Are you feeling depressed whenever you look into the mirror every morning? If you are, it is time for you to start losing fat and look good from now on. To lose fat and shed some pounds off the scale is not as hard as you think it is. In fact, the methods to lose fat are actually easy to implement and do not require you to spend money on pills and wraps.
Now, let me share with you 3 methods that will allow you to lose fat and look good in few days time:
1. Maintain a regular exercise regime. Regular exercise is needed to reduce your overall body fat. The reason why doing crunches and sit-ups alone do not help get rid of your stomach fat is because these exercises do not burn fat. You need to do cardio exercises like jogging, brisk walking or swimming. To lose fat effectively, you need to first reduce your overall body fat with these cardio exercises. Then, you can move on to strength training such as weight lifting and crunches to tone your body. You should exercise at least 3 times a week, with each session lasting at least 30 minutes so that your body will be able to start burning fat effectively.
2. Watch what you eat. The next tip to lose fat effectively is to watch your diet. Having a balanced and healthy diet is the key to weight loss success in few days. Instead of taking 3 big meals per day, try taking 4 to 5 small meals instead. This will help increase your metabolism rate and cause your body to burn fat faster. Try to have protein, fat and carbohydrates in every meal to maintain a balanced diet.
3. Detoxify your body. Detoxification of your body system is one of the most effective ways to help you lose weight within a few days. This is because detoxification get rids of unwanted toxins and parasites inside your body that are causing you to stay fat and heavy. You should drink lots of water and take in more fiber and fruits in every meal. With detoxification, you will be able to lose fat and feel healthier at the same time!
These are 3 basic tips to help you start losing fat and look good. You should intertwine these 3 techniques into your daily lifestyle and you will be amazed how easy it is to lose weight and look good.
Are you feeling miserable because you are overweight and fat? Visit the website below for []fat loss remedies now:
Click here --> []Lose Fat Fast with
Please feel free to republish this article on your website, or distribute it to your friends or clients, as long as you leave the resource box intact.
Article Source:
Are you feeling depressed whenever you look into the mirror every morning? If you are, it is time for you to start losing fat and look good from now on. To lose fat and shed some pounds off the scale is not as hard as you think it is. In fact, the methods to lose fat are actually easy to implement and do not require you to spend money on pills and wraps.
Now, let me share with you 3 methods that will allow you to lose fat and look good in few days time:
1. Maintain a regular exercise regime. Regular exercise is needed to reduce your overall body fat. The reason why doing crunches and sit-ups alone do not help get rid of your stomach fat is because these exercises do not burn fat. You need to do cardio exercises like jogging, brisk walking or swimming. To lose fat effectively, you need to first reduce your overall body fat with these cardio exercises. Then, you can move on to strength training such as weight lifting and crunches to tone your body. You should exercise at least 3 times a week, with each session lasting at least 30 minutes so that your body will be able to start burning fat effectively.
2. Watch what you eat. The next tip to lose fat effectively is to watch your diet. Having a balanced and healthy diet is the key to weight loss success in few days. Instead of taking 3 big meals per day, try taking 4 to 5 small meals instead. This will help increase your metabolism rate and cause your body to burn fat faster. Try to have protein, fat and carbohydrates in every meal to maintain a balanced diet.
3. Detoxify your body. Detoxification of your body system is one of the most effective ways to help you lose weight within a few days. This is because detoxification get rids of unwanted toxins and parasites inside your body that are causing you to stay fat and heavy. You should drink lots of water and take in more fiber and fruits in every meal. With detoxification, you will be able to lose fat and feel healthier at the same time!
These are 3 basic tips to help you start losing fat and look good. You should intertwine these 3 techniques into your daily lifestyle and you will be amazed how easy it is to lose weight and look good.
Are you feeling miserable because you are overweight and fat? Visit the website below for []fat loss remedies now:
Click here --> []Lose Fat Fast with
Please feel free to republish this article on your website, or distribute it to your friends or clients, as long as you leave the resource box intact.
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Tuesday, July 14, 2009
How to Lose Fat While Eating More and Doing Less Cardio
By Tony Leong
In the olden days, if you were to ask a trainer on how to lose fat, he or she would just say do tons of cardiovascular workouts and eat like a bird. Well, perhaps that is just exaggerating but that the mindset in the olden days. One would cut out calories like crazy and just stay on the cardiovascular machine and make the gym their home.
Fortunately, through research and experience that people have reported, this does not have to be the case. Now you can lose fat while eating more a do less cardiovascular workouts. Yes, you can still lose fat by following the traditional way but how many people have that time and luxury to do so?
This article will show you how to lose fat while consuming more calories so your body will stay energetic and change into a fat burning furnace. You now also will have more motivation to stay on your weight loss program because you do not have to give up your life just to make it to the gym. You need now only to do what is necessary to lose fat and look good.
So, let us dive into the methods for you to lose body fat.
How To Lose Fat 1
One of the key factors in losing fat is strength training. A lot of people miss out in this part thinking that it is unnecessary but unfortunately they are wrong, dead wrong.
Try this method for a change. Before you head on to the gym, make sure you know what muscle group you are going to work on and also the exercises. Then, arrange your exercise in a manner so that you can do three exercises back to back with little rest. Focus on large muscle groups only like legs, back, chest and shoulders. Do 3 sets of this circuit and each set do 15 repetitions; this will make your heart rate stay high throughout the workout, which is important for fat loss.
In your exercises, try to use free weights, cables and stability balls. This equipment will recruit many muscle fibers and deliver better results compared to machines. While you are in the gym, you need to get down to business. No chit chatting and wasting time in front of the mirror looking at yourself.
Strength training is very important to your weight loss program because it is the only tissue in the body that burns fat. The more muscle you have in your body, the more body fat you can burn. The amount of muscle you have in your body also determines your metabolism, The more muscle you have in your body the higher your metabolism.
One pound of muscle burns an extra 50 calories per day. This is the amount of calories needed to support the muscle because it is a living tissue. Hence if you compare two person that weighs 160 pounds, but person A has 100 pounds of muscle and person B has 120 pounds of muscles, you can be sure the person B can eat more and lose body fat much easier because the extra muscle in his body burns extra calories but notice that both of them weighs the same.
How To Lose Fat 2
The next issue is how to lose fat faster, burn more calories and spend less time on the treadmill. The answer to this question is simple and straightforward. You need high intensity interval training. This type of training is superb for breaking fat loss plateaus and also for boosting metabolism. This type of workout is such a shocker that you can literally feel you body burning even after you shower.
To do this workout, you would basically do 20 minutes of 10 intervals. One interval consists of 2 minutes, 1 minute slow and 1-minute sprint. So, you would run at level 9 out 10 for 1 minute and then jog at the speed of 5 out 10. Do this for 10 rounds and you are done. This workout deliver results and also saves you time!
How To Lose fat 3
The third step here is definitely my favorite and yours too. You need to eat more food. Yes, but not junk food, instead, eat lots of high quality food that will keep your body running efficiently. Try to include healthy protein, carbohydrates and good fat in every meal. Consume foods like egg whites, poultry, fruits, whole grains, vegetables and olive oil. You need to feed your engine well to burn fat. Stay away from simple sugar, sweets, corn syrup and high glycemic fruits.
Break up your meals so that you are eating 6 to 7 small meals a day. Every time you eat, your metabolism gets fired up to digest the food. So, it makes sense eating more but just make sure it is in small portions and contains only the good stuff.
So you see, you still can get a wonderful body even though you are busy. Getting washboard abs, sexy legs and toned back is not out of reach. Do not let other people discourage you or other factors in your life pull you away from the body that you deserve. You just need to know the right stuff to get things going your way. Learn from people that have done it before and learn from experts that know how to help you reach your fitness goals. People have done it so can you!
Tony Leong reveals his 5 secrets to losing weight in his Weight Loss system. He is giving it away for free for a limited time only. Go to to download it now. Click here to get your free stuff.
Article Source:
In the olden days, if you were to ask a trainer on how to lose fat, he or she would just say do tons of cardiovascular workouts and eat like a bird. Well, perhaps that is just exaggerating but that the mindset in the olden days. One would cut out calories like crazy and just stay on the cardiovascular machine and make the gym their home.
Fortunately, through research and experience that people have reported, this does not have to be the case. Now you can lose fat while eating more a do less cardiovascular workouts. Yes, you can still lose fat by following the traditional way but how many people have that time and luxury to do so?
This article will show you how to lose fat while consuming more calories so your body will stay energetic and change into a fat burning furnace. You now also will have more motivation to stay on your weight loss program because you do not have to give up your life just to make it to the gym. You need now only to do what is necessary to lose fat and look good.
So, let us dive into the methods for you to lose body fat.
How To Lose Fat 1
One of the key factors in losing fat is strength training. A lot of people miss out in this part thinking that it is unnecessary but unfortunately they are wrong, dead wrong.
Try this method for a change. Before you head on to the gym, make sure you know what muscle group you are going to work on and also the exercises. Then, arrange your exercise in a manner so that you can do three exercises back to back with little rest. Focus on large muscle groups only like legs, back, chest and shoulders. Do 3 sets of this circuit and each set do 15 repetitions; this will make your heart rate stay high throughout the workout, which is important for fat loss.
In your exercises, try to use free weights, cables and stability balls. This equipment will recruit many muscle fibers and deliver better results compared to machines. While you are in the gym, you need to get down to business. No chit chatting and wasting time in front of the mirror looking at yourself.
Strength training is very important to your weight loss program because it is the only tissue in the body that burns fat. The more muscle you have in your body, the more body fat you can burn. The amount of muscle you have in your body also determines your metabolism, The more muscle you have in your body the higher your metabolism.
One pound of muscle burns an extra 50 calories per day. This is the amount of calories needed to support the muscle because it is a living tissue. Hence if you compare two person that weighs 160 pounds, but person A has 100 pounds of muscle and person B has 120 pounds of muscles, you can be sure the person B can eat more and lose body fat much easier because the extra muscle in his body burns extra calories but notice that both of them weighs the same.
How To Lose Fat 2
The next issue is how to lose fat faster, burn more calories and spend less time on the treadmill. The answer to this question is simple and straightforward. You need high intensity interval training. This type of training is superb for breaking fat loss plateaus and also for boosting metabolism. This type of workout is such a shocker that you can literally feel you body burning even after you shower.
To do this workout, you would basically do 20 minutes of 10 intervals. One interval consists of 2 minutes, 1 minute slow and 1-minute sprint. So, you would run at level 9 out 10 for 1 minute and then jog at the speed of 5 out 10. Do this for 10 rounds and you are done. This workout deliver results and also saves you time!
How To Lose fat 3
The third step here is definitely my favorite and yours too. You need to eat more food. Yes, but not junk food, instead, eat lots of high quality food that will keep your body running efficiently. Try to include healthy protein, carbohydrates and good fat in every meal. Consume foods like egg whites, poultry, fruits, whole grains, vegetables and olive oil. You need to feed your engine well to burn fat. Stay away from simple sugar, sweets, corn syrup and high glycemic fruits.
Break up your meals so that you are eating 6 to 7 small meals a day. Every time you eat, your metabolism gets fired up to digest the food. So, it makes sense eating more but just make sure it is in small portions and contains only the good stuff.
So you see, you still can get a wonderful body even though you are busy. Getting washboard abs, sexy legs and toned back is not out of reach. Do not let other people discourage you or other factors in your life pull you away from the body that you deserve. You just need to know the right stuff to get things going your way. Learn from people that have done it before and learn from experts that know how to help you reach your fitness goals. People have done it so can you!
Tony Leong reveals his 5 secrets to losing weight in his Weight Loss system. He is giving it away for free for a limited time only. Go to to download it now. Click here to get your free stuff.
Article Source:
how to lose fat,
lose fat,
weight loss
Monday, July 13, 2009
Diet to Lose Fat in the Stomach - What to Include and What to Avoid
By John Wheeler
Trying to lose fat in the stomach need not be impossible, but you'll need to make a serious commitment and lifestyle changes. Here we'll take a look at the importance of your diet, but if you want to lose fat in stomach you'll need to follow a good quality diet and exercise program. Dieting on it's own can help you to lose weight on your stomach, but combining it with exercise will help you to lose fat in stomach. This is because dieting can cause you to lose overall body weight including muscle...this is not ideal. It is better to continue to exercise to tone and grow your muscle whilst shaving off and losing fat on your stomach.
Muscles help you to metabolise fat much better and more efficiently, so if you lose it then you will struggle to burn off the fat and keep it off. This is why we want to maintain our muscle, but diet appropriately at the same time.
In the same way it is important to diet appropriately and not just rely on exercise to lose fat in stomach, as you need to consume less calories than you burn, thereby creating a caloric deficit, and forcing your body to use its stored fat reserves.
Diet to lose fat in stomach - Things To Avoid
If you want to lose fat in stomach you should try to eliminate as many of the high-sugar, especially processed sugars, foods and drinks that you consume regularly. Sugar (or more specifically glucose), is easily absorbed into the body and bloodstream but doesn't have a long term energy value. It gives a great short-term boost but very little after fact it will often drop you lower than where you started. This is why sprinters and athletes will consume chocolate or something similar before a race, in order to give themselves a short term energy boost for the race. You can't afford to do this however, as the sugar quickly turns into and is stored as fat.
Likewise you should also look to minimise your alcohol intake if you want to lose fat in stomach. Your body treats alcohol as a toxin, and so sends it to your liver to be processed. In doing this, it is now prioritising the alcohol instead of it's natural action of processing your fat. This means that the fat is simply stored for latter and easily accumulates.
Alcohol also creates hunger pangs, and normally cravings for more high-fat, greasy foods. By reducing your alcohol intake, you will make your body more efficient in its fat burning capabilities, and avoid the unnecessary storing of fat.
Diet to lose fat in stomach - What To Include
A good diet to lose fat in stomach should include low GI foods, that contain complex carbohydrates like oatmeal, white potatoes and yams; sources of protein like eggs (just the whites) and lean chicken or turkey breast; and plenty of fibre in things like bran cereals and green fibrous vegetables (broccolli, asparagus, and lettuce). The complex carbohydrates take longer to break down and so release energy more slowly throughout the day keeping you fuller for longer.
FACT: 99% of people who start a diet, fail to permanently lose weight, and most will actually end up heavier than when they started.
Why not try the diet that the successful 1% are using? --> []Diet To Lose Stomach Fat
Article Source:
Trying to lose fat in the stomach need not be impossible, but you'll need to make a serious commitment and lifestyle changes. Here we'll take a look at the importance of your diet, but if you want to lose fat in stomach you'll need to follow a good quality diet and exercise program. Dieting on it's own can help you to lose weight on your stomach, but combining it with exercise will help you to lose fat in stomach. This is because dieting can cause you to lose overall body weight including muscle...this is not ideal. It is better to continue to exercise to tone and grow your muscle whilst shaving off and losing fat on your stomach.
Muscles help you to metabolise fat much better and more efficiently, so if you lose it then you will struggle to burn off the fat and keep it off. This is why we want to maintain our muscle, but diet appropriately at the same time.
In the same way it is important to diet appropriately and not just rely on exercise to lose fat in stomach, as you need to consume less calories than you burn, thereby creating a caloric deficit, and forcing your body to use its stored fat reserves.
Diet to lose fat in stomach - Things To Avoid
If you want to lose fat in stomach you should try to eliminate as many of the high-sugar, especially processed sugars, foods and drinks that you consume regularly. Sugar (or more specifically glucose), is easily absorbed into the body and bloodstream but doesn't have a long term energy value. It gives a great short-term boost but very little after fact it will often drop you lower than where you started. This is why sprinters and athletes will consume chocolate or something similar before a race, in order to give themselves a short term energy boost for the race. You can't afford to do this however, as the sugar quickly turns into and is stored as fat.
Likewise you should also look to minimise your alcohol intake if you want to lose fat in stomach. Your body treats alcohol as a toxin, and so sends it to your liver to be processed. In doing this, it is now prioritising the alcohol instead of it's natural action of processing your fat. This means that the fat is simply stored for latter and easily accumulates.
Alcohol also creates hunger pangs, and normally cravings for more high-fat, greasy foods. By reducing your alcohol intake, you will make your body more efficient in its fat burning capabilities, and avoid the unnecessary storing of fat.
Diet to lose fat in stomach - What To Include
A good diet to lose fat in stomach should include low GI foods, that contain complex carbohydrates like oatmeal, white potatoes and yams; sources of protein like eggs (just the whites) and lean chicken or turkey breast; and plenty of fibre in things like bran cereals and green fibrous vegetables (broccolli, asparagus, and lettuce). The complex carbohydrates take longer to break down and so release energy more slowly throughout the day keeping you fuller for longer.
FACT: 99% of people who start a diet, fail to permanently lose weight, and most will actually end up heavier than when they started.
Why not try the diet that the successful 1% are using? --> []Diet To Lose Stomach Fat
Article Source:
Sunday, July 12, 2009
How to Lose Fat & Gain Muscle - 5 Secret Truths You Need to Know
By Kevin Yates
If you want to lose fat and gain muscle there are 5 "secrets" you need to know to achieve your goal. Too many times people attempt to build muscle and lose fat at the same time only to be left frustrated by failure in the end.
You may be in this group. The 5 "secrets' I am going to reveal are some of the main reasons why you haven't been able to lose fat and build muscle like you want. There's more to it than simply showing up at the gym and getting a pump.
Perhaps you've reduced your calories and lost some weight only to end up feeling weak and hungry after a few days or a few weeks and unable to maintain your diet. Then you gained back those few pounds you lost and maybe a couple extra.
The purpose of this article is to show you exactly how to lose fat gain muscle and get it done quickly using 5 simple secret strategies that are guaranteed to help you finally build muscle and lose fat. With that said, here are the 5 secrets you need to know:
1. Do NOT train for the pump- Contrary to what the popular muscle building magazines preach month after month, building muscle has nothing to do with the pump. The pump you feel after a hard resistance training workout is from blood rushing to your muscle cells to replenish the "energy" you lost during exercise. But, this is not the primary muscle building mechanism. The way you build muscle is by properly fatiguing your muscles which causes damage to your muscle cells. When your body recovers from this damage it rebuilds your muscle cells stronger to better handle the stress in the future.
2. Know how many calories you need- This is where things get a bit tricky so I'll try to keep it as simple as I can to avoid any confusion. If you want to lose fat you have to burn more calories than you consume. However, you must be careful not to overdo it. Cut calories too much and you also lose precious muscle in the process.
On the other hand, to build muscle you need to consume more calories than you burn so your body has a surplus of energy to add lean muscle. Again, be careful because if you consume more calories than your body can use you only add fat.
I suggest choosing one goal first then once you get to that goal try for your other goal. For example, you could go into a 6-12 week fat loss phase where your main concern is to lose fat and maintain your current muscularity. After you reach your fat loss goal then you shift into a muscle building phase where you try to maintain your current body fat percent (within about 2%-3%) and add as much lean muscle as you want.
3. Balance your calories- In the end, calories in versus calories out determines whether or not you lose WEIGHT. However, it's the type of calories you consume that determines whether or not you lose or gain fat and whether or not you lose or gain muscle. This is very important. You don't simply want to lose weight if you're merely losing muscle, right? And, you also don't want to simply gain weight if you're only adding body fat. So, balance your calories with the proper amounts of carbohydrates, protein and healthy fats.
4. Increase your LBM- LBM (lean body mass) is muscle. Every pound of muscle you have burns somewhere between 15-50 calories per day. When you increase the amount of muscle you carry you burn more calories which means you stay leaner.
5. Do NOT train body parts- This is a huge mistake the majority of people trying to lose fat and gain muscle make. Instead, train hard 3 days per week with a total body workout. Do not go overboard on the volume . You should never train more than 60 minutes per workout at the most. Rather than adding more exercise aim to increase the intensity of your current routine. Intensity is the key that most people miss and is why they struggle to build muscle and lose fat.
I hope this helps you reach your muscle building fat loss goals.
Get this explosive FREE report "7 Weight Loss Secrets Revealed" at: []Yates Performance
Article Source:
If you want to lose fat and gain muscle there are 5 "secrets" you need to know to achieve your goal. Too many times people attempt to build muscle and lose fat at the same time only to be left frustrated by failure in the end.
You may be in this group. The 5 "secrets' I am going to reveal are some of the main reasons why you haven't been able to lose fat and build muscle like you want. There's more to it than simply showing up at the gym and getting a pump.
Perhaps you've reduced your calories and lost some weight only to end up feeling weak and hungry after a few days or a few weeks and unable to maintain your diet. Then you gained back those few pounds you lost and maybe a couple extra.
The purpose of this article is to show you exactly how to lose fat gain muscle and get it done quickly using 5 simple secret strategies that are guaranteed to help you finally build muscle and lose fat. With that said, here are the 5 secrets you need to know:
1. Do NOT train for the pump- Contrary to what the popular muscle building magazines preach month after month, building muscle has nothing to do with the pump. The pump you feel after a hard resistance training workout is from blood rushing to your muscle cells to replenish the "energy" you lost during exercise. But, this is not the primary muscle building mechanism. The way you build muscle is by properly fatiguing your muscles which causes damage to your muscle cells. When your body recovers from this damage it rebuilds your muscle cells stronger to better handle the stress in the future.
2. Know how many calories you need- This is where things get a bit tricky so I'll try to keep it as simple as I can to avoid any confusion. If you want to lose fat you have to burn more calories than you consume. However, you must be careful not to overdo it. Cut calories too much and you also lose precious muscle in the process.
On the other hand, to build muscle you need to consume more calories than you burn so your body has a surplus of energy to add lean muscle. Again, be careful because if you consume more calories than your body can use you only add fat.
I suggest choosing one goal first then once you get to that goal try for your other goal. For example, you could go into a 6-12 week fat loss phase where your main concern is to lose fat and maintain your current muscularity. After you reach your fat loss goal then you shift into a muscle building phase where you try to maintain your current body fat percent (within about 2%-3%) and add as much lean muscle as you want.
3. Balance your calories- In the end, calories in versus calories out determines whether or not you lose WEIGHT. However, it's the type of calories you consume that determines whether or not you lose or gain fat and whether or not you lose or gain muscle. This is very important. You don't simply want to lose weight if you're merely losing muscle, right? And, you also don't want to simply gain weight if you're only adding body fat. So, balance your calories with the proper amounts of carbohydrates, protein and healthy fats.
4. Increase your LBM- LBM (lean body mass) is muscle. Every pound of muscle you have burns somewhere between 15-50 calories per day. When you increase the amount of muscle you carry you burn more calories which means you stay leaner.
5. Do NOT train body parts- This is a huge mistake the majority of people trying to lose fat and gain muscle make. Instead, train hard 3 days per week with a total body workout. Do not go overboard on the volume . You should never train more than 60 minutes per workout at the most. Rather than adding more exercise aim to increase the intensity of your current routine. Intensity is the key that most people miss and is why they struggle to build muscle and lose fat.
I hope this helps you reach your muscle building fat loss goals.
Get this explosive FREE report "7 Weight Loss Secrets Revealed" at: []Yates Performance
Article Source:
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Learn To Lose Fat Permanently
By Peter Fitzgerald
If you want to lose fat once and for all without losing muscle, and you want to do it naturally without drugs, lotions, potions or fad diets - then this will be a most important message. It is physiologically impossible to lose fat permanently by starving yourself. Sadly, diets do not help you lose fat; exercise and nutrition are what you need to lose fat. The answer is simple and irrefutable, there is no more effective way to lose fat permanently than to cut out all the fat that comes with eating animals and animal food and dairy products. Some claim that if you eat the right foods, can you lose fat permanently without exercise. The fact is that apart from those genetically gifted, fast metabolism types, it's extremely difficult to lose fat permanently without some exercise.
You can finally lose fat permanently, without impairing your system, without strict programs that only frustrate and end up causing more harm than good. You need a life style change to lose fat you also need to build muscle, as muscles use up more calories from your food for energy.
Permanent fat loss requires patience, persistence, commitment, conviction and a burning desire to protect the body from disease and untimely demise. Our body is genetically programmed to talk word by word, walk step by step, talk word by word, burn calories bite by bite and lose fat ounce by ounce. Your body and brain will rebel mightily against a cut in food supply for the first several weeks but as the addiction wears off, the brain will gradually modify its hunger and cravings signals. Fat Loss through communication with your brain and body is the smartest way to lose excess fat.
Muscle, like every other component of our physical make-up, in relation to weight loss is most important, muscle burns fat all day long, muscle will always be your number one metabolic fat burning machine. The main reason why people get fat is that their daily lives do not include sufficient muscular activity that will maintain their muscle mass intact. To stimulate passive metabolism in muscle mass to burn more than 5 calories per pound of muscle per day you must stretch the muscle under load to a point where the muscle fibre becomes slightly traumatized. The primary cause of fat accumulation is the loss of muscle mass and the resulting lower metabolism. You can learn more about how loose fat, (9 pounds in 11 days) enjoy this great site:
The psychology of permanent fat loss...Goal setting and motivation tactics that program your subconscious mind for massive success...Follow this "secret mental training formula" and you'll be practically "hypnotized" into eating properly and working out consistently. The best way to put muscle on is through strength training. You will burn more calories training multiple body parts, and as a result accelerate your metabolism, losing inches, toning your body and burning body fat. The body functions as a unit- training it otherwise can possibly lead to injury and inconsistent results. If you do the right combination of good food choices, resistance training, and interval training, you will start to see yourself losing total body fat.
I hope you found you found these tip useful. You can learn more about how loose fat, (9 pounds in 11 days) enjoy this great site:
The above information is the result of extensive research and the personal experiences of the writer. This article may be reproduced, provided it is used in its entirety with no alterations to text or links whatsoever. Copyright: Peter Fitzgerald 2008
Article Source:
If you want to lose fat once and for all without losing muscle, and you want to do it naturally without drugs, lotions, potions or fad diets - then this will be a most important message. It is physiologically impossible to lose fat permanently by starving yourself. Sadly, diets do not help you lose fat; exercise and nutrition are what you need to lose fat. The answer is simple and irrefutable, there is no more effective way to lose fat permanently than to cut out all the fat that comes with eating animals and animal food and dairy products. Some claim that if you eat the right foods, can you lose fat permanently without exercise. The fact is that apart from those genetically gifted, fast metabolism types, it's extremely difficult to lose fat permanently without some exercise.
You can finally lose fat permanently, without impairing your system, without strict programs that only frustrate and end up causing more harm than good. You need a life style change to lose fat you also need to build muscle, as muscles use up more calories from your food for energy.
Permanent fat loss requires patience, persistence, commitment, conviction and a burning desire to protect the body from disease and untimely demise. Our body is genetically programmed to talk word by word, walk step by step, talk word by word, burn calories bite by bite and lose fat ounce by ounce. Your body and brain will rebel mightily against a cut in food supply for the first several weeks but as the addiction wears off, the brain will gradually modify its hunger and cravings signals. Fat Loss through communication with your brain and body is the smartest way to lose excess fat.
Muscle, like every other component of our physical make-up, in relation to weight loss is most important, muscle burns fat all day long, muscle will always be your number one metabolic fat burning machine. The main reason why people get fat is that their daily lives do not include sufficient muscular activity that will maintain their muscle mass intact. To stimulate passive metabolism in muscle mass to burn more than 5 calories per pound of muscle per day you must stretch the muscle under load to a point where the muscle fibre becomes slightly traumatized. The primary cause of fat accumulation is the loss of muscle mass and the resulting lower metabolism. You can learn more about how loose fat, (9 pounds in 11 days) enjoy this great site:
The psychology of permanent fat loss...Goal setting and motivation tactics that program your subconscious mind for massive success...Follow this "secret mental training formula" and you'll be practically "hypnotized" into eating properly and working out consistently. The best way to put muscle on is through strength training. You will burn more calories training multiple body parts, and as a result accelerate your metabolism, losing inches, toning your body and burning body fat. The body functions as a unit- training it otherwise can possibly lead to injury and inconsistent results. If you do the right combination of good food choices, resistance training, and interval training, you will start to see yourself losing total body fat.
I hope you found you found these tip useful. You can learn more about how loose fat, (9 pounds in 11 days) enjoy this great site:
The above information is the result of extensive research and the personal experiences of the writer. This article may be reproduced, provided it is used in its entirety with no alterations to text or links whatsoever. Copyright: Peter Fitzgerald 2008
Article Source:
Friday, July 10, 2009
How to Lose Fat - Quickly
By Beth Larson
When it comes to how to lose fat quickly there are a lot of theories out there, but many of them are not accurate. For instance, a lot of people think that cardio is the best way to lose fat and that by going on a starvation, low fat or low carb diet they are going to drop the fat and get the body they want. Actually, though, these things aren't the best way to get rid of excess fat. Here are some tips on how to lose fat.
One of the first things that you need to understand is that there is a big difference between losing weight and losing fat. When you lose weight you can also be losing lean muscle and water weight along with fat.
That's just not going to get you the body you want. Not only that, but typically when you have lost just muscle and water it is much more difficult to keep the weight off once you go back to a normal lifestyle. That's why it is so important to focus your efforts on specifically losing fat instead of just losing weight.
One of the biggest myths about how to lose fat is that cardio is the best exercise for fat loss. While cardio is important, strength training is actually more important in regards to losing fat. See, lean muscle requires a lot more energy for your body to maintain than fat does, and your body provides that energy to your muscles by burning calories.
That means that the more lean muscle you have on your body the more calories you are going to burn all the time - not just when you are exercising. By adding lean muscle mass to your body you will boost your metabolism and turn your body into a calorie burning machine.
A lot of women worry that adding muscle to their bodies is going to make them bulk up or get larger. Actually, though, this isn't the case. Instead, by building lean muscle you will get a sleek, toned look like you see the models and celebrities have.
To start building muscle and losing fat you should add strength training to your workout routine several times a week. To get the most bang for your buck try focusing your strength training efforts on the largest muscle groups in your body like your legs and your backside. Squats and lunges are great for this.
Along with adding strength training to your routine you should also follow a diet specifically geared toward fat loss rather than weight loss. Starvation diets, low fat diets and low carb diets don't work to help you lose fat. In fact, often times these diets can make it harder for you to lose weight because they don't provide your body with enough calories and your metabolism slows down to compensate.
Instead, choose a diet that is designed specifically to help you []easily lose fat and that provides your body with enough calories. You will actually see results much more quickly and you won't be starving all the time.
Get tons of free dieting advice, tips and information at
Article Source:
When it comes to how to lose fat quickly there are a lot of theories out there, but many of them are not accurate. For instance, a lot of people think that cardio is the best way to lose fat and that by going on a starvation, low fat or low carb diet they are going to drop the fat and get the body they want. Actually, though, these things aren't the best way to get rid of excess fat. Here are some tips on how to lose fat.
One of the first things that you need to understand is that there is a big difference between losing weight and losing fat. When you lose weight you can also be losing lean muscle and water weight along with fat.
That's just not going to get you the body you want. Not only that, but typically when you have lost just muscle and water it is much more difficult to keep the weight off once you go back to a normal lifestyle. That's why it is so important to focus your efforts on specifically losing fat instead of just losing weight.
One of the biggest myths about how to lose fat is that cardio is the best exercise for fat loss. While cardio is important, strength training is actually more important in regards to losing fat. See, lean muscle requires a lot more energy for your body to maintain than fat does, and your body provides that energy to your muscles by burning calories.
That means that the more lean muscle you have on your body the more calories you are going to burn all the time - not just when you are exercising. By adding lean muscle mass to your body you will boost your metabolism and turn your body into a calorie burning machine.
A lot of women worry that adding muscle to their bodies is going to make them bulk up or get larger. Actually, though, this isn't the case. Instead, by building lean muscle you will get a sleek, toned look like you see the models and celebrities have.
To start building muscle and losing fat you should add strength training to your workout routine several times a week. To get the most bang for your buck try focusing your strength training efforts on the largest muscle groups in your body like your legs and your backside. Squats and lunges are great for this.
Along with adding strength training to your routine you should also follow a diet specifically geared toward fat loss rather than weight loss. Starvation diets, low fat diets and low carb diets don't work to help you lose fat. In fact, often times these diets can make it harder for you to lose weight because they don't provide your body with enough calories and your metabolism slows down to compensate.
Instead, choose a diet that is designed specifically to help you []easily lose fat and that provides your body with enough calories. You will actually see results much more quickly and you won't be starving all the time.
Get tons of free dieting advice, tips and information at
Article Source:
Thursday, July 9, 2009
How To Lose Fat Without Drugs
By Frederik Deglande
Ask any fitness expert and they will tell you that drugs don't work.
To be honest with you they work but the results are only temporary.
In this article you will discover more about the best way to lose fat without drugs.
But first of all if you are not convinced yet let me show you five reasons why taking drugs to lose fat is a bad idea.
1. Fat loss drugs will never work if you don’t follow a diet and doing the right exercises.
2. With several fat loss pills you will have it difficult to breath.
3. Do you want to spend more time on the toilet?
A side effect of some fat loss drugs is diarrhea.
4. Impotence is another negative effect as well.
5. Sometimes fat burners are made with ephedra.
Yes it increases your metabolism ratio but it speeds up the nervous system as well.
If I have to write down all the negative side effects of fat loss drugs I could write a book about it.
I hope that you understand now that taking drugs in order to lose fat is a very stupid idea.
Now let me tell you how to lose fat without drugs.
Fat loss simply requires proper eating habits.
Do you know that there are foods that burn fat?
Some examples are.
- Apples
- Lean meat
- Zucchini
- Oranges
- Potatoes
Why spending hundreds of dollars on drugs and weight loss supplements if these foods cost you only a fraction of the price without the negative side effects?
I think you will have to agree with me that we are living in a time where everything must go fast.
Therefore a lot of people are skipping their breakfast.
Heck some people believe hat you can lose fat with eating less.
Skipping your breakfast is the last thing you should do.
When you take breakfast you give your body a signal that you are active.
This way your metabolism will work harder and it will burn your fat faster.
Eat more to burn more fat.
All professional fitness models and bodybuilders are eating five or six healthy little meals during the day.
Some of them go even further and they are consuming seven or eights meals.
If you want to lose fat without drugs you will have to eaten more then the three tradition meals.
Perhaps you are an active person and that’s good.
If you want to lose fat you will have to do some exercises as well
always combined with proper eating habits.
Before you take your breakfast try to some cardio exercises.
During the day your body gets his energy from carbohydrates.
Even if you are sleeping your body needs energy.
But if you wake up your body doesn’t have carbohydrates anymore;
instead it must burn your fat.
I hope you have an idea now how to lose fat without drugs.
Read more about this subject and most important take action.
Don’t look further for the magical fat burning pill it doesn’t exist.
When it comes to fat burning []burn the fat feed the muscle is the only source you need.
This book is the holy grail of fat burning.
It tells you exactly why diet's don't work and how to lose body fat the correct way.
The ebook is jampacked with more than 350 pages of valuable information.
If you visit burn the fat today you get a free valuable 40 pages mini ebook. []Burn the fat, feed the muscle
The one and only fat burning solution
Article Source:
Ask any fitness expert and they will tell you that drugs don't work.
To be honest with you they work but the results are only temporary.
In this article you will discover more about the best way to lose fat without drugs.
But first of all if you are not convinced yet let me show you five reasons why taking drugs to lose fat is a bad idea.
1. Fat loss drugs will never work if you don’t follow a diet and doing the right exercises.
2. With several fat loss pills you will have it difficult to breath.
3. Do you want to spend more time on the toilet?
A side effect of some fat loss drugs is diarrhea.
4. Impotence is another negative effect as well.
5. Sometimes fat burners are made with ephedra.
Yes it increases your metabolism ratio but it speeds up the nervous system as well.
If I have to write down all the negative side effects of fat loss drugs I could write a book about it.
I hope that you understand now that taking drugs in order to lose fat is a very stupid idea.
Now let me tell you how to lose fat without drugs.
Fat loss simply requires proper eating habits.
Do you know that there are foods that burn fat?
Some examples are.
- Apples
- Lean meat
- Zucchini
- Oranges
- Potatoes
Why spending hundreds of dollars on drugs and weight loss supplements if these foods cost you only a fraction of the price without the negative side effects?
I think you will have to agree with me that we are living in a time where everything must go fast.
Therefore a lot of people are skipping their breakfast.
Heck some people believe hat you can lose fat with eating less.
Skipping your breakfast is the last thing you should do.
When you take breakfast you give your body a signal that you are active.
This way your metabolism will work harder and it will burn your fat faster.
Eat more to burn more fat.
All professional fitness models and bodybuilders are eating five or six healthy little meals during the day.
Some of them go even further and they are consuming seven or eights meals.
If you want to lose fat without drugs you will have to eaten more then the three tradition meals.
Perhaps you are an active person and that’s good.
If you want to lose fat you will have to do some exercises as well
always combined with proper eating habits.
Before you take your breakfast try to some cardio exercises.
During the day your body gets his energy from carbohydrates.
Even if you are sleeping your body needs energy.
But if you wake up your body doesn’t have carbohydrates anymore;
instead it must burn your fat.
I hope you have an idea now how to lose fat without drugs.
Read more about this subject and most important take action.
Don’t look further for the magical fat burning pill it doesn’t exist.
When it comes to fat burning []burn the fat feed the muscle is the only source you need.
This book is the holy grail of fat burning.
It tells you exactly why diet's don't work and how to lose body fat the correct way.
The ebook is jampacked with more than 350 pages of valuable information.
If you visit burn the fat today you get a free valuable 40 pages mini ebook. []Burn the fat, feed the muscle
The one and only fat burning solution
Article Source:
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
To Lose Fat Naturally, You MUST Apply These Ideas!
By Timothy Adams
What does it mean to lose fat naturally?
To lose fat naturally means to lower your body fat percentage without relying on unnatural fat-burning supplements or steroids.
In a world full of fat-loss gimmicks and pills which boast to help you lose tons of body fat without much effort, it my seem simple to lose body fat if you have the money to shell out for these products.
The truth is, nearly all of these products will not do a thing for you if you're not dedicated to a strict diet and exercise program. Furthermore, even if you are already on a great program, these products will contribute to very little, if any, of your success.
To lose fat naturally, you must first possess these basic things:
1. The burning desire to lose fat naturally. The more we think about and desire something, the better chance we have at achieving it.
2. The correct knowledge of the proper nutrition and exercise routine required to lose fat naturally. Everybody is biologically different, so what works for one person will not necessarily work for another.
3. The willingness to make sacrifices in order to adhere to a strict diet and exercise routine.
4. The consistency to apply this routine day in and day out until you reach your goal. Consistency is absolutely CRUCIAL in order to lose fat naturally.
5. The ability to use trial-and-error feedback in order to break fat-loss ruts and plateaus. You will inevitably come to a point in your fat-loss journey where you will find it more difficult to shed that extra fat. To break through, you must carefully analyze all aspects of your nutrition and diet regimen and make adjustments. For example, if you're stuck at a plateau, you may consider adding another session of cardio to your week or lightly decreasing your daily caloric intake. This is where many people give up, or resort to money-wasting supplements rather than trying to lose fat naturally.
6. Recognize the idea that there is no such thing as failure. For each time you slip up or hit a road block, do NOT think of it as a failure, but rather as a learning experience in which you have gained knowledge of what NOT to do again.
7. DO NOT GIVE UP. Very cliche sounding, I know. But I wouldn't say it if it weren't true. In order to lose fat naturally, you have to live by this idea because it can be tempting to throw in the towel at times. DON'T DO IT THOUGH!
Many people simply do not want to put in the hard work and determination that it takes to lose fat naturally. Instead, they think that some magic supplement is the answer, and waste tons of money. Once you've understood the ideas I've listed, you will be ready to learn exactly what to do in order to lose fat. Be sure to check out more of my articles.
Tim Adams knows what it means to lose fat naturally. Tim has lost 75 pounds and 18% of his body fat naturally in less than a year, while keeping his muscle. To read many more free articles about losing fat and download a FREE fat-loss E-book, []Click Here to visit Tim's site!
Article Source: [,-You-MUST-Apply-These-Ideas!&id=667555 ],-You-MUST-Apply-These-Ideas!&id=667555
What does it mean to lose fat naturally?
To lose fat naturally means to lower your body fat percentage without relying on unnatural fat-burning supplements or steroids.
In a world full of fat-loss gimmicks and pills which boast to help you lose tons of body fat without much effort, it my seem simple to lose body fat if you have the money to shell out for these products.
The truth is, nearly all of these products will not do a thing for you if you're not dedicated to a strict diet and exercise program. Furthermore, even if you are already on a great program, these products will contribute to very little, if any, of your success.
To lose fat naturally, you must first possess these basic things:
1. The burning desire to lose fat naturally. The more we think about and desire something, the better chance we have at achieving it.
2. The correct knowledge of the proper nutrition and exercise routine required to lose fat naturally. Everybody is biologically different, so what works for one person will not necessarily work for another.
3. The willingness to make sacrifices in order to adhere to a strict diet and exercise routine.
4. The consistency to apply this routine day in and day out until you reach your goal. Consistency is absolutely CRUCIAL in order to lose fat naturally.
5. The ability to use trial-and-error feedback in order to break fat-loss ruts and plateaus. You will inevitably come to a point in your fat-loss journey where you will find it more difficult to shed that extra fat. To break through, you must carefully analyze all aspects of your nutrition and diet regimen and make adjustments. For example, if you're stuck at a plateau, you may consider adding another session of cardio to your week or lightly decreasing your daily caloric intake. This is where many people give up, or resort to money-wasting supplements rather than trying to lose fat naturally.
6. Recognize the idea that there is no such thing as failure. For each time you slip up or hit a road block, do NOT think of it as a failure, but rather as a learning experience in which you have gained knowledge of what NOT to do again.
7. DO NOT GIVE UP. Very cliche sounding, I know. But I wouldn't say it if it weren't true. In order to lose fat naturally, you have to live by this idea because it can be tempting to throw in the towel at times. DON'T DO IT THOUGH!
Many people simply do not want to put in the hard work and determination that it takes to lose fat naturally. Instead, they think that some magic supplement is the answer, and waste tons of money. Once you've understood the ideas I've listed, you will be ready to learn exactly what to do in order to lose fat. Be sure to check out more of my articles.
Tim Adams knows what it means to lose fat naturally. Tim has lost 75 pounds and 18% of his body fat naturally in less than a year, while keeping his muscle. To read many more free articles about losing fat and download a FREE fat-loss E-book, []Click Here to visit Tim's site!
Article Source: [,-You-MUST-Apply-These-Ideas!&id=667555 ],-You-MUST-Apply-These-Ideas!&id=667555
lose fat naturally,
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
How To Lose Fat, Not Just Weight
By Perce Tionic
“I want to lose weight.” Have you ever said that to yourself? If you’re reading this, chances are you have. Millions of people around the world are looking for new and better ways to lose weight; they try every new pill or diet out there. Unfortunately, they eventually realize that these diets are always temporary. In fact, most of them don’t even work! When someone wants to lose weight, they get desperate. I know this, because I was one of them. I used to weigh 265lbs. my senior year in high school. Granted, I was a lineman in football, and still had lots of muscle. But, there was that annoying fat around the belly.
After I graduated from high school, I stopped lifting weights completely. All the muscle I had underneath that layer of fat, disappeared. I was in much worse shape now. I was also a heavy smoker. I was smoking 1-2 packs a day. Actually, this is why I started to exercise again. I was hoping to clean out my lungs. However, I did not lift any weights; all I did was Cardio. Since I was going to college at the time, I had time to run during the day. I started out jogging for 20 minutes; it was EXTREMELY HARD at first because of all the smoking. But, I was eventually running 7-10 miles a day!
After running for several months, I quit smoking and lost a bunch of weight. Of course, when I looked in the mirror, I didn’t think I lost that much weight. I can see why anorexics look in the mirror and think they’re fat. It was when friends and family complimented me on my looks that I started to realize that I had actually lost a lot of weight. That gave me more of an incentive to continue running. Over the next year, I had lost a bunch more weight. I was 265lbs. when I started and I got down to 170lbs. That’s 95lbs of weight I lost! Notice I said weight, not Fat. I did lose a lot of fat, but I lost a lot of muscle too! I had a lot of muscle, due to being in football and track back in high school. Back then, I was benching 365lbs. and squatting 615lbs. That should give you an idea of what I used to look like. Now add about 50lbs of FAT on top of that muscle and you’ll get a better idea of what I used to look like. I lost that 50lbs of fat, but I also lost that 45lbs. of MUSCLE! Now, these are just my estimates, but they’re pretty close.
So, a couple years go by and I see some friends from high school at an event over the summer. When I go up to them to say hi, they didn’t recognize me. To some people that might seem like a compliment, but to me, it was not. When they realized it was me, they had an almost disgusted look on their face. Some actually asked me if I got sick or something. I told them that I was just doing a lot of running. After getting many of these looks, I took a long look in the mirror and realized that I was way too skinny. Keep in mind, I was always bigger and stronger than all of my friends at 6 Foot 265lbs. Now, I was their size or smaller, with not that much muscle left. So, after losing all that WEIGHT, I decided to gain it back in the form of MUSCLE. Wow, was that going to be hard!
I knew that in order to gain muscle, I had to eat much more than I was now. That means all the hard work, the 10 mile a day runs, would go to waste. I was so pissed! In the next few years or so, I started my journey to a better more muscular body. I have been struggling ever since. It has been 12 years since I graduated from high school. I have still not reached my goal. I am 30 years old and 220lbs. with 19% body fat at a height of 6 feet. I am not in the worst shape in the world, but I am nowhere near where I wanted to be. I am in the same place I was back in high school, only smaller. I have lots of muscle, but still have the fat around the mid section, which is where almost all of my fat is. I know exactly what to do to gain muscle and burn Fat, but I have not been able to be consistent with it, since I don’t always have time due to work. I know exactly how many calories, fat, carbs, protein that I need and how much and what kind of exercise I need. But, the problem is actually implementing it all. I have started lifting weights during my lunch hour and doing light cardio after work. I am eating a pretty good amount of GOOD calories so I can lift and gain muscle, and I am making sure I do enough low level cardio (walking, biking) for at least 45 minutes so I can BURN FAT and not just LOSE WEIGHT.
Up till now, I have been giving you a little background on me and my experience. I have done lots of research on burning fat and not just losing weight. I know I am now on my way to achieving the body and health that I want, and I would like to share that with you. There are many ways to lose FAT and KEEP MUSCLE. I know I am on the right track now and have seen the results. Now, I know not everybody is not looking to bulk up with muscle and lose fat. But, the techniques I use work for everybody. In the next paragraph, I will give you three simple steps that you will need to implement in order to Lose Fat, Not Just Weight.
If you are overweight and want to lose FAT, Not Just WEIGHT, there are several things you need to do. This formula is very simple; I’m not going to get into so much detail about exactly what you need to do, because each of you will find what works best for you after hearing the basics here. First of all, you can’t be Lazy! You will have to workout! Now, you don’t have to work out 5 days a week at an intense level, but you do have to work out. You can work out as little as twice a week. Second, you will have to find out how many calories, fat, carbs, and protein you will need for your age/height/body type. This is extremely important, because it will give you a guide on how to eat right. This does not necessarily mean you have to change your eating habits completely; you may just have to change how often you eat and what you are eating. The best thing to do is to eat 5-6 small meals throughout the day. This will make sure your metabolism is up. The higher your metabolism, the more fat you burn. Third, you will need to be consistent! You have to make this a life style. This is not something you can do for a little while, and then give it up because you achieved your results. You have to continue to do this your whole life, and change your exercise and eating habits accordingly throughout your life. If you can’t come to terms with this, then you will never be able to be in the shape you want. Well, that’s it; that’s all you have to do. You may have heard all of this many times, but that is because it is the best and only way to lose fat, not just weight. You will need to find what works for you with this formula. You can start now, and perfect it at your own pace.
It’s extremely important for you to do SOME reading on the three steps you need to Lose Fat, Not Just Weight. You need to make up your own eating habits and your own workout schedule. There is lots of information on these subjects and others that work, and you can find them at This site will give you tons of information on the three important steps and more. If you’re serious about losing Fat, not just Weight, then you’ll try to learn more about the steps above, rather than wasting your time like I did for years. It does not take long, because they are very simple ideas. You just have to apply them. Good Luck!
Article Source:,-Not-Just-Weight&id=494288
“I want to lose weight.” Have you ever said that to yourself? If you’re reading this, chances are you have. Millions of people around the world are looking for new and better ways to lose weight; they try every new pill or diet out there. Unfortunately, they eventually realize that these diets are always temporary. In fact, most of them don’t even work! When someone wants to lose weight, they get desperate. I know this, because I was one of them. I used to weigh 265lbs. my senior year in high school. Granted, I was a lineman in football, and still had lots of muscle. But, there was that annoying fat around the belly.
After I graduated from high school, I stopped lifting weights completely. All the muscle I had underneath that layer of fat, disappeared. I was in much worse shape now. I was also a heavy smoker. I was smoking 1-2 packs a day. Actually, this is why I started to exercise again. I was hoping to clean out my lungs. However, I did not lift any weights; all I did was Cardio. Since I was going to college at the time, I had time to run during the day. I started out jogging for 20 minutes; it was EXTREMELY HARD at first because of all the smoking. But, I was eventually running 7-10 miles a day!
After running for several months, I quit smoking and lost a bunch of weight. Of course, when I looked in the mirror, I didn’t think I lost that much weight. I can see why anorexics look in the mirror and think they’re fat. It was when friends and family complimented me on my looks that I started to realize that I had actually lost a lot of weight. That gave me more of an incentive to continue running. Over the next year, I had lost a bunch more weight. I was 265lbs. when I started and I got down to 170lbs. That’s 95lbs of weight I lost! Notice I said weight, not Fat. I did lose a lot of fat, but I lost a lot of muscle too! I had a lot of muscle, due to being in football and track back in high school. Back then, I was benching 365lbs. and squatting 615lbs. That should give you an idea of what I used to look like. Now add about 50lbs of FAT on top of that muscle and you’ll get a better idea of what I used to look like. I lost that 50lbs of fat, but I also lost that 45lbs. of MUSCLE! Now, these are just my estimates, but they’re pretty close.
So, a couple years go by and I see some friends from high school at an event over the summer. When I go up to them to say hi, they didn’t recognize me. To some people that might seem like a compliment, but to me, it was not. When they realized it was me, they had an almost disgusted look on their face. Some actually asked me if I got sick or something. I told them that I was just doing a lot of running. After getting many of these looks, I took a long look in the mirror and realized that I was way too skinny. Keep in mind, I was always bigger and stronger than all of my friends at 6 Foot 265lbs. Now, I was their size or smaller, with not that much muscle left. So, after losing all that WEIGHT, I decided to gain it back in the form of MUSCLE. Wow, was that going to be hard!
I knew that in order to gain muscle, I had to eat much more than I was now. That means all the hard work, the 10 mile a day runs, would go to waste. I was so pissed! In the next few years or so, I started my journey to a better more muscular body. I have been struggling ever since. It has been 12 years since I graduated from high school. I have still not reached my goal. I am 30 years old and 220lbs. with 19% body fat at a height of 6 feet. I am not in the worst shape in the world, but I am nowhere near where I wanted to be. I am in the same place I was back in high school, only smaller. I have lots of muscle, but still have the fat around the mid section, which is where almost all of my fat is. I know exactly what to do to gain muscle and burn Fat, but I have not been able to be consistent with it, since I don’t always have time due to work. I know exactly how many calories, fat, carbs, protein that I need and how much and what kind of exercise I need. But, the problem is actually implementing it all. I have started lifting weights during my lunch hour and doing light cardio after work. I am eating a pretty good amount of GOOD calories so I can lift and gain muscle, and I am making sure I do enough low level cardio (walking, biking) for at least 45 minutes so I can BURN FAT and not just LOSE WEIGHT.
Up till now, I have been giving you a little background on me and my experience. I have done lots of research on burning fat and not just losing weight. I know I am now on my way to achieving the body and health that I want, and I would like to share that with you. There are many ways to lose FAT and KEEP MUSCLE. I know I am on the right track now and have seen the results. Now, I know not everybody is not looking to bulk up with muscle and lose fat. But, the techniques I use work for everybody. In the next paragraph, I will give you three simple steps that you will need to implement in order to Lose Fat, Not Just Weight.
If you are overweight and want to lose FAT, Not Just WEIGHT, there are several things you need to do. This formula is very simple; I’m not going to get into so much detail about exactly what you need to do, because each of you will find what works best for you after hearing the basics here. First of all, you can’t be Lazy! You will have to workout! Now, you don’t have to work out 5 days a week at an intense level, but you do have to work out. You can work out as little as twice a week. Second, you will have to find out how many calories, fat, carbs, and protein you will need for your age/height/body type. This is extremely important, because it will give you a guide on how to eat right. This does not necessarily mean you have to change your eating habits completely; you may just have to change how often you eat and what you are eating. The best thing to do is to eat 5-6 small meals throughout the day. This will make sure your metabolism is up. The higher your metabolism, the more fat you burn. Third, you will need to be consistent! You have to make this a life style. This is not something you can do for a little while, and then give it up because you achieved your results. You have to continue to do this your whole life, and change your exercise and eating habits accordingly throughout your life. If you can’t come to terms with this, then you will never be able to be in the shape you want. Well, that’s it; that’s all you have to do. You may have heard all of this many times, but that is because it is the best and only way to lose fat, not just weight. You will need to find what works for you with this formula. You can start now, and perfect it at your own pace.
It’s extremely important for you to do SOME reading on the three steps you need to Lose Fat, Not Just Weight. You need to make up your own eating habits and your own workout schedule. There is lots of information on these subjects and others that work, and you can find them at This site will give you tons of information on the three important steps and more. If you’re serious about losing Fat, not just Weight, then you’ll try to learn more about the steps above, rather than wasting your time like I did for years. It does not take long, because they are very simple ideas. You just have to apply them. Good Luck!
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